Why Is She Doing This ?

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Chapter 305;
Ross;I'm glad this is over .

Laura;Me too . I honestly want our relationship to be drama free with no worries .

Ross;I wish for that , but we're gonna have to fight together for our love most people just give up thinking they can't continue no more because of what other people have done to them

Laura;Well if more things come in between we're gonna have to keep going no matter how things end up

Ross;Yes I have a question


Ross;When are we gonna plan our wedding ?

Laura;Do you want to start ?

Ross;Well yeah I want you to become a lynch already .

Laura;pushy .

Ross;Yes I know so when can we ?

Laura;once we get back ? How about that ?

Ross;Okay that's great

Laura;Okay that's the plan

Ross;Yes about Time

Laura;You want to know what I wonder ?


Laura;Why is she doing this ?

Ross;Uhh Umm

Laura;Is their something you haven't told me ?

Ross;Okay well I'll tell you

Laura;Okay .

Ross;Well I've known Hope since we were what like 6 years old , one day she told me she liked Riker . I told her Riker didn't like her so she got over him. When I was 14 years old she wanted me to be her boyfriend I didn't want a relationship at that time so she told me if I ever find happiness she was gonna destroy it .

Laura;Wait she likes Riker ?

Ross;Yeah when she Was 12 she had a major crush on him he didn't like her he thought she was annoying I agreed

Laura;*chuckles* why ?

Ross;Okay when I was what 13 years old I believe my mother took us out to a fair in town , my father told me to invite Hope I kinda got tired of hanging with her so then I called her through her house phone . She said yes so I had told Rydel to hang with me because i didn't want to be with her so Rydel told me it was gonna cost me $10 . I said that was a deal so we all got in the van picked her up she got me so annoyed because she would always be like "Rossy I don't want to go their" or "Rossy it's scary I'm not gonna go in" I was trying to avoid her but then she would follow me everywhere . Until the day she told me she was moving I was sad but kinda happy because she was always at my house

Laura;That is sow weird

Ross;I know Rydel never really liked her

Laura;I noticed that Rydel never really likes the girls you've been with

Ross;I know except Lizbeth . She liked her but I kinda went wrong in our relationship

Laura;what do you mean?

Ross;Well I was always with Liz so in times I would ignore her or wouldn't text her back . She kinda felt that I didn't like her no more but I did so she ended up dumping me . She had a reason too I was kind of a jerk to her .

Laura;That sucks

Ross;Yeah it does when I saw her I felt bad for what I did

Laura;That's the past though let it go .

Ross;You understand me the most many of the reasons why I love you

Laura;That's sweet

Hope You Enjoy 😌.

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