12.3 - 333, overlap, boxing ring

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"How much did he drink to become like this?" Jiang Yao could hardly stand. Xie Chao helped him to the bed, and then asked: "Who did he drink with?"

"I didn't talk to anyone. It was Director Xu who persuaded me to drink at first, but Brother Yao never drinks, but he drank heavily today." Xiao Zhang was also a little puzzled, and he didn't dare to say more: "Later, Director Xu and the others were frightened. I couldn't stop him, and then I became drunk like this."

Jiang Yao seemed to be a little uncomfortable in his dream. He kept frowning and his breathing was very heavy.

"I know." Xie Chao glanced at the person on the bed and knew that this person was in a bad mood. He sighed: "You are tired too, go back and rest first."

Xiao Zhang was indeed very tired. After hearing these words, he hurriedly responded and turned around to leave. Before leaving, he did not forget to say: "Mr. Xie, if anything happens in the middle of the night, please call me." "

"Okay, I understand." Xie Chao responded.

After being drunk, Jiang Yao's face turned red. He leaned on the bed and closed his eyes. After Xie Chao covered him with a quilt, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold Xie Chao and pulled him into his arms. Xie Chao was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, he fell down on the bed. Just as he was about to throw away Jiang Yao's hand, he heard him murmuring in a low voice: "Why if it's you... why..."

Tears flowed down the corners of his eyes and fell on the pillow, leaving only a drop of obvious water stain. Xie Chao thought for a while, gently opened Jiang Yao's hand, and shook his head helplessly.

He wanted to answer, but the problem was that he didn't know either.

Being drunk is uncomfortable. Jiang Yao got up and vomited twice in the middle of the night. He staggered to the bathroom. After vomiting, he simply sat down against the door. Xie Chao was awakened. He got up and sat on the sofa. Looking at the person leaning against the door, I don't know if it was because he was woken up. He was a little out of breath. His hands were holding the quilt tightly, and there was an indescribable feeling in his heart. His whole body was shaking slightly, and he was dying. Staring at the person leaning against the door, the sound coming from his throat was not crying, he was trying his best to ask for help.

At the last moment when he was almost out of breath, Xie Chao felt that he was thrown onto the bed. He looked up and fell down. Before he could react, the man made no movement and just held him tightly. Xie Chao was like this After taking a deep breath, his chest rose and fell violently, and he could almost hear his own heartbeat. Then he felt the person holding him gasping for air. After a while, he heard the man say in a hoarse voice: "Today." elder brother......"

Xie Chao's whole body froze slightly. Under the dim night light, the man in front of him had extremely beautiful features and the way he was staring at him. Xie Chao's eyes suddenly turned red. The longing he had been suppressing seemed to be at this moment. The sound of "Brother Chao" pouring out made Xie Chao confused about where this place was, but he knew that the person in front of him was Jiang Yao.

"..." 333 was also a little surprised. When Xie Chao hugged him back, he was pleasantly surprised at that moment, but he also immediately realized that Xie Chao did not regard him as 333, but as... The real Jiang Yao.

He stretched out his arms to hug Xie Chao, and then sighed in a low voice: "Brother Chao, I'm sorry, I am 333."

He did not use the name given to him by 001, because maybe the name "Ayao" did not belong to him in the first place.

Xie Chao's body suddenly stiffened, and he let go of his hand almost immediately, as if a basin of cold water was poured down on him. He suddenly woke up. He closed his eyes, sat up and looked at the people around him. After a while, he said: " It's you."

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