4.11 - Go to S City, boxing ring, Brother Qiao

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When the news of the destruction of other bases came, ordinary people in the base had already begun to panic. Xie Chao was not surprised when he learned about it. With so many crystals, his superpowers had already reached the peak of level seven. It's on par with Azheng, maybe even slightly better.

333 In S City, Xie Chao had to go no matter what, so he finally set off with Yuan Yi and the others. What surprised Xie Chao was that Wen Miao also joined the team as the only space superpower. .

Wen Miao had surgery on his face, which made him look a little ferocious. When he ate, he could only pour food through a tube and swallow it down his throat.

"Be careful on the road." Qiao Bai and Azheng were sitting in a car. Azheng said, "Boss must have guessed that you caused Wen Miao's accident."

"But he didn't say anything, that's enough." Since Yuan Yi himself was not prepared to say anything, it was even less likely that Qiao Bai would take the initiative to mention this matter. After hearing this, Ah Zheng paused for a moment and said: " But Wen Miao has space powers, and he stores a lot of materials in his space. Even if you want to deal with him, you should wait until S City, otherwise he may use other people's hands to deal with you. "

Ah Zheng's words are indeed correct. Yuan Yi will not fight against Wen Miao again, and Ah Zheng is even less likely to do so, but it is difficult to protect others.

"Level 7...peak." The feeling of strength means that no matter who wants to be hostile to him, he doesn't care, not to mention that he has understood the rules of the apocalypse. Qiao Bai glanced at his palm and raised the corners of his lips slightly. .

Even if Wen Miao became like this, there are still many people pursuing him, such as Cai Yu. Cai Yu knew that his betrayal of Qiao Bai might be known. From that day on, he never appeared in front of Qiao Bai again until the base. Issue an order requiring them all to go south to carry out their mission.

"Qiao... Qiao Bai." Cai Yu also felt guilty, she lowered her head: "I'm sorry."

"Get lost." Qiao Bai only said one word.

"Hey, why are you like this? Sister Yu told you I'm sorry, you..." The person on the side stepped forward and was about to speak. Cai Yu stopped him and whispered: "Stop talking, this is me. and his affairs."

Ah Hui looked here from a distance, but did not speak. Cai Yu whispered: "I know this matter, you already know it, and I have nothing to explain. I am sorry for you and the Qiao family."

"Cai Yu." Qiao Bai suddenly spoke. He turned his head and looked at Cai Yu. His look was just like the one when they first met. Cai Yu subconsciously took a step back and only heard Qiao Bai say: "You You once told me that you were sorry for not being able to help me and not coming to me..."

"Yes, I remember." Cai Yu said.

"Actually, I never believe this. Cai Yu, given my situation in the first team at that time, if you came into contact with me, you would be afraid of being isolated. What you said later was just because you saw that I saved Brother Xu and you, for the strong ones, we must look for opportunities to get closer." Qiao Bai did not give Cai Yu any face. He was wiping his short blade, and the cold blade was close to Cai Yu's face. He smiled slightly. He smiled and said, "I'll be fine with this kind of trick if I suffer a loss once. I'm not prepared to suffer a loss a second time."

Cai Yu's face was a little pale. She shook her head, but she didn't dare to move. The feeling of the cold blade close to her face made her hair stand on end. Qiao Bai said warmly: "Follow Wen Miao well and come to me again. I'm not sure. You can go back well."

"I..." Cai Yu's voice trembled slightly.

"It's not a pity to die for an informer." Qiao Bai's voice was very gentle, even with a hint of a smile. He said slowly: "Get out."

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