10.5 - Gone, met, apologized

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A few days ago, the path to the town was washed out due to heavy rain. Grandpa Xu Bai was carrying potatoes from his vegetable garden that day and wanted to send them to Xu Bai in the city. When he went to the market, he heard people in the town say , there is something called express delivery, which can send things to others, just like sending letters before.

That day, Xu Bai's grandfather never came back.

Xu Bai sat on the chair. After listening to what his grandma said, he pursed his lips slightly and said, "I understand, grandma... Go to bed quickly. It's too late now."

Grandma was still a little worried about Xu Bai and comforted her: "It's all the same. They all have to return to their roots. It's just that your grandpa didn't see you in the end and missed you a little."

"I'm going to pay homage to grandpa tomorrow." Xu Bai said with a smile, "I also brought him cigarettes, cigarettes from the city."

Finally, grandma went to sleep with Xu Bai coaxing her. The old man was not in good health. Xu Bai could feel that grandma was much thinner than a year ago. He pursed his lips slightly and said nothing.

The light in the living room was very weak, so he sat on a chair, looking at the picture of his grandfather, lowering his head and wiping tears constantly. He couldn't say a word for fear of waking up his grandma.

He wiped the desk clean bit by bit with trembling hands, only suppressed sobs could be heard.

He sat there all night, and it was not until morning that he pretended that nothing had happened. He looked at his grandma and said, "Grandma, where is grandpa buried?"

Last night, he handed over his emotions to the original owner. The remaining emotions of the original owner made him personally feel the pain caused by life and death around him, and this pain gave him a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling.

"Hey, okay." Grandma put a few plates with side dishes, put them in the basket, and covered them with a towel.

The two of them walked in tandem. The road was not easy to walk. Grandpa Xu Bai was actually buried in the back mountain. It was the Xu family's tomb, and the ancestors of the Xu family were buried there.

"Baby, how many days are you going to stay this time?" Grandma asked as she walked, "How about staying a few more days?"

"Okay." Xu Bai's voice was slightly hoarse. He paused and said, "I...grandma..."

"Your grandpa, he missed you the most when he was alive. I originally wanted to tell you, but my legs and feet are not good, and no one has repaired the road. I am getting old and can't walk anymore. I will wait until your grandpa is in his seventh year. You have to follow your grandfather." Grandma patted Xu Bai's hand and said with a smile: "You should be good in the city and don't think about us all the time. We are fine."

Xu Bai responded, took a deep breath, and then said: "I have a good job in the city and bought a house. Grandma..."

"That's good, that's good." Grandma said with a smile: "You have been suffering since you were a child. Now that you have grown up, you should live a good life and live better than anyone else. Be good, little kid."

The two of them arrived at Grandpa's grave. The tombstone was new, but not big. It was about the same size as Xu Bai's tombstone. It had Grandpa Xu Bai's name written on it. Grandma put the dishes in front of the tombstone, lined them up, and then put them on the pillar. After smelling the fragrance, he shouted: "Old man, it's time to eat. Zai'er has come back to bring you food. I made delicious food today, don't say I won't give you good food."

Xu Bai looked at the old man trying to straighten his body, and felt sour in his heart.

"Did you hear that, Zai'er works very well in the city, don't worry, you are always nagging me, why don't you go talk to Zai'er... But you'd better forget it now, don't scare Zai'er "Grandma said nonchalantly: "You know, I'm going to buy a house in the city. Are you happy?"

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