6.2 - Stomachache, angry, his brother

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In fact, Chu Yuan just wanted to use Jian Su to let Mr. Jian and even the Jian family see whether their most beloved grandson had finally taken the path of coming out, but he never expected that his approach would not only make Jian The family collapsed, and Jian Su was completely destroyed.

Xie Chao's hand holding the cigarette was trembling a little. The remaining emotions of the original owner made it difficult for him to calm down. The sourness and despair spreading from his heart, as well as the indescribable self-blame, were pushing him towards a dead end.

Jian Su died in the fire in the end, because the impact of that incident on him was so great that it had seriously affected his mental state. During the time just before the accident, Jian Su had blocked almost all outsiders. He seemed to be autistic, huddled in a corner alone, and the slightest sound would make him want to cry in fear. Sometimes the nanny at home had to be careful when delivering meals, and had to put away all sharp objects, but Even so, Jian Su committed suicide three times in that month, but he was unsuccessful.

His collapse was obvious. He attributed all the causes of this incident to himself. He trapped himself in pain and couldn't get out. It's not that the Jian family had never seen a psychiatrist, but doctors all They all shook their heads.

Being sent to the hospital for treatment is the last resort, and it is also a method that the Jian family does not want to use, but there is no other way, and it has come to this point.

But at that time, the Jian family did not expect that someone would set fire to the nursing home, and they did not expect that this would be the last place where Jian Su would stay.

"This is a small villa that Jian Su bought for himself. No one should know about it except him." Xie Chao was here when he woke up. Perhaps it was because of the obsession of the original owner that he wanted to go to a place where no one knew about it. , the layout here is very simple, except for some bottles of medicine on the bedside, he sighed and said: "This matter..."

He didn't know what to say. This matter was a scam from beginning to end.

"But he can't come out on his own. He blames himself too much. After all, because of this incident, the old man who always loved him was hospitalized, and the Jian family was also in crisis. In the end, he learned that Chu Yuan had been using him all along, and He is just a substitute for his brother." 333 paused for a moment and then said, "This is unacceptable to anyone."

"It's really unacceptable." Xie Chao said.

The cell phone made a sound at the side, and Xie Chao walked over. After opening it, he found that it was an alarm clock set by the original owner to remind him to take medicine. He took out the medicine from the bottle according to the medicine instructions, and then swallowed it. Go down.

There was only instant noodles left in the refrigerator downstairs. Xie Chao made a bowl of it. He wanted to eat it to relieve his stomach. Unexpectedly, before he had even taken two bites, his stomach felt like he was in over his head. He immediately ran to the bathroom and wiped out the noodles. He spat out the two mouthfuls of instant noodles that were easy to eat. Looking at the residue in the toilet, Xie Chao was silent for a moment, then flushed the residue down and rinsed his mouth.

The man in the mirror was so thin that he was almost out of shape. He could vaguely see his handsome appearance before, but there was a conspicuous scar on his cheek. The scar had scabbed over. It was a long strip from his cheek to his chin, giving his face an inexplicable look of ferocity. .

This scar is a bit ridiculous. After the incident was exposed, everyone was busy with Mr. Jian and the Jian family, and no one noticed that there was something wrong with Jian Su's mental state. Maybe Chu Yuan knew it, but He left it alone, or just looked on with cold eyes, until Jian Su had a car accident.

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