6.10 - Heartless, old man, go home

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The warm and sticky liquid covered Chu Yuan's hands. When he woke up, he realized that he had slept so deeply for some time. The unusual touch made him freeze. He slowly raised his head and Jian Su lay on the bed. , the sun has risen outside, his face is pale and his lips are bloodless.

"Xiao Su..." Chu Yuan could almost hear his own voice trembling. He suddenly opened the quilt and saw that the bed was full of bright red. Jian Su lay quietly on his pillow in the scarlet.

The heavy wound on his wrist made people feel like his breathing had stagnated. When Chu Yuan reacted, he almost rolled onto the bed and held him in his arms. His hands were cold.

"Xiao Su, wake up... doctor! Doctor!" He shouted in panic: "Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance!"

When the doctor came, his eyes fell on the person on the bed, and then he said with unclear meaning: "This is the second time."

"Save him, you save him." Chu Yuan's hands were covered with Jian Su's blood. He never expected that he said good night to Jian Su before going to bed. Why did it happen like this when he woke up? He realized later I understand that it's not good night, it's goodbye.

"..." The doctor stepped forward and said, "Get out."

"What do you mean?" Chu Yuan was stunned for a moment.

"Go find the hemostatic medicine and put on more bandages. If you wait any longer, the person will die." When the doctor said this, his tone was extremely calm, which made Chu Yuan feel an indescribable sense of disobedience. , and then he heard the doctor say: "People are most afraid when they die, so people who have died once usually don't have the courage to face the second death."

"I..." Chu Yuan was about to say something, but was interrupted by the doctor. He said unceremoniously: "You can delay for a few more minutes, and then you can collect his body."

Chu Yuan immediately went downstairs to find hemostatic medicine and bandages.

"Brother Chao, you've gone too far." After Chu Yuan left, 333 finally couldn't hold back the expression on his face. He immediately stepped forward and hugged Xie Chao, and pressed Xie Chao's wrist hard with his hand. , to prevent more blood from flowing out, Xie Chao's breathing was extremely weak, 333's hands were trembling slightly, and he whispered: "Brother Chao, hold on."

Jian Su wanted to die, but Xie Chao wanted to live, so he made the right decision, but he still couldn't avoid this situation.

333 immediately called the ambulance number, and Chu Yuan also found the hemostatic medicine and sent it over. After he sprinkled the hemostatic medicine on the wound, he immediately wrapped it with gauze, but this alone could not stop the bleeding.

After the ambulance arrived, 333 immediately carried the person into the car. Chu Yuan was stunned for a moment behind him.

The person was sent to the hospital and pushed into the emergency room. Chu Yuan stood at the door of the emergency room in a daze. After a moment, he turned to look at the doctor: "Why did he do this?"

"Can't you see? He is in pain." The doctor looked a little indifferent: "So he wants to die."

"It's my fault... I shouldn't have slept so deeply. I should have noticed it earlier. It's my fault." Chu Yuan leaned against the wall and said tremblingly: "He will be fine, right? ?"

The doctor thought for a moment and said, "What will you do if Jian Su dies?"

"He won't die." Chu Yuan rejected this possibility. He shook his head and said: "I already know that I was wrong. He can't abandon me when I know that I was wrong and want to spend my life with him."

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