1.4 - Engraving, full payment, tombstone

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Hehui Xianyuan is the best cemetery in the city. The taxi stopped at the entrance of the cemetery. It was still raining outside. After Shen Li paid, he opened the door, held up an umbrella and walked in. Someone was watching at the door. Shen Li looked up when he saw someone coming over, but without saying anything, Shen Li asked, "How do you sell the cemetery here?"

After hearing this, the man raised his head and pointed to a house not far away: "Ask the person over there, I'm just looking after the garden."

"Okay, thank you." After Shen Li nodded, he turned and walked in the direction the man pointed. The place where the cemetery was sold was set up like a club. Before Shen Li could reach the door, someone came out to greet him: "You Are you here to see the cemetery? This Hehui Xianyuan is definitely the best cemetery, both in terms of management and services. There is no second one in the city."

Shen Li couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "It turns out that the cemetery also has management business." This was indeed the first time he knew about it, and he was a little surprised.

"Of course, Hehui Xianyuan is doing some activities right now. They buy cemeteries and give away urns, as well as a full set of funeral supplies." The staff member followed Shen Li. The corners of Shen Li's clothes were wet from the rain, and the ends of his hair were wet. There was a little rain on his face, but his back was straight and thin, and his face was good-looking. When the staff saw him, they recommended several higher-priced packages: "Why don't you tell me what you want, and I can give it to you?" You recommend what you want... I haven't asked you yet, this is for your home..."

"Give it to myself." Shen Li paused, and his eyes fell on a simple urn: "Just this, plus a tombstone and a cemetery. As for the funeral ceremony, there is no need for it. If you can, give it to me. A bouquet of flowers, and paper paints and brushes."

"Ah?" The staff member was stunned for a moment: "Are you... yourself?"

"Myself, someone will contact you when the time comes... Can you take me to see the address of the cemetery? I want to see where I will lie for decades in the future." Shen Li said.

"Of course...of course." The staff member was still a bit unresponsive. When he left, he couldn't help but look back at the young man behind him. Shen Li was wearing white casual clothes. Because it was raining, he held an umbrella to cover it slightly. On his face, only a thin chin could be seen. The staff member was a little soft-hearted: "You look like you are only in your twenties. Why do you want to come to the cemetery? Are you sick? Medical science is very advanced now, okay?" There is still hope for treatment, don't be so pessimistic. A colleague of mine got sick before, but he was saved, and he is doing fine now... You are only in your twenties, so be optimistic."

Shen Li followed him without saying a word. After a while, he said, "Thank you."

His voice was so soft that it fell to the ground along with the rain, and the staff couldn't hear it.

The cemetery selected by Shen Li was in a remote location, with few tombs around. It was lonely. He stood at the place where he would lie down for a long time, then squatted down and said, "Please, please engrave the words 'Shen Li's Name' on my tombstone in the future." "Tomb", please write down the date of birth and death, and no need to write anything else."

"Don't you need to write down your parents, spouse, and children?" the staff member asked.

"No need." Shen Li stood up. The rain had stopped. He put away his umbrella and said in a gentle tone: "Thank you."

This time the staff heard it, and so did Lu Yu who was following behind him. His expression turned ugly. He looked past the staff, looked at Shen Li, and said seriously: "What are you doing here?"

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