2.7 - Nightmare, Chuanbei loquat paste, guilty conscience

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Chuanbei loquat paste (川贝枇杷膏): Introducing Chuanbei Peipa Koa by Kwang Rong, a renowned brand known for its quality food products. This pack contains authentic Chuanbei Peipa Koa, a traditional Chinese herbal remedy. (https://www.yuehwa.com.sg/)


The news that Xu Nanhuai was about to join the crew reached Xie Chao's ears. He was leaning on a deck chair in the courtyard to bask in the sun, teasing the little golden retriever. After hearing this, he laughed and said, "He can hide it." quick."

333 Naturally understood what Xie Chao meant. He said: "He threw away the watch that Pei Yao gave him, and specifically told him to throw it away where he could not see it."

"Is that so?" Xie Chao gently squeezed the little golden retriever's paw. His face was a little pale and his figure was thinner than his peers. He raised the corners of his lips and said, "Then he will dig through the trash can in the future, wouldn't it? Very hard work."

The autumn sunshine was very comfortable on his body, but unfortunately he had been suffering from a low fever. His stomach had already been numb from the pain, and he could feel the pain faintly, but when it spread to the whole body, he no longer knew where the pain was.

"Is this body resistant to drugs?" 333 asked: "Is there any other way?"

"You don't even know, how could I know?" Xie Chao laughed. Seeing 333 become silent, he chuckled and said, "I won't tease you anymore. This body can't help it, otherwise I wouldn't say anything about him." There are only half a year left... In fact, dying from illness is a very painful way. The deadline is extended. Every day, you count your days with your fingers crossed, and you may never wake up after this sleep. "

The little golden retriever whined twice and rolled up with the ball in his arms. Xie Chao glanced at it and said with a smile: "Having a dog is indeed a cure."

He lay here until the evening. It was a little cold outside, so he propped himself up and slowly moved back to the room. As soon as he sat on the bed, his stomach began to throb again, and cold sweat broke out instantly. , he lowered his head and calmed down for a while, then skillfully took out the medicine from the drawer, mixed it with warm water and swallowed it, and then lay back on the bed.

This kind of pain was long, and every second seemed to be stretched infinitely. He couldn't help rolling twice on the bed in pain, and then rolled himself into a prawn, gasping softly, and the pain was dull. snort.

Probably because the medicine took effect, he lay in bed feeling dizzy with pain. He could vaguely feel as if he was being held in someone's arms, and he seemed to hear the man sighing in a low voice and saying: "I'm sorry, Brother Chao. "

Here it is again.

Accompanied by stomach pain and a severe headache, he felt as if he was being torn apart at that moment, but soon he seemed to be dragged into the darkness by something, and he couldn't feel anything anymore.


"Director Zhang's drama, I heard, is still short of a male lead." Pei Yao leaned on his chair and said with a smile, "I wonder if you are interested in any of our company's artists?"

Sitting in front of Pei Yao is director Zhang Shengzhang, who is well-known in the industry. His works have already been well-known at home and abroad. Countless popular stars are willing to play roles in his films and TV series for zero pay, even if they are just strangers.

"You want to say Xu Nanhuai, right? I've heard of him." Director Zhang smiled and said, "Because of him, you don't even call me Uncle Zhang?"

"Aren't you afraid that I'm trying to get close? But I can't hide anything from Uncle Zhang. I really want to recommend Xu Nanhuai. I know that his qualifications are not as good as those of other actors, but for this role, he is very suitable." Pei Yao paused and then said: "I heard that Uncle Zhang wants to cast new actors in this play, so I want Uncle Zhang to give him a chance to audition. Whether he succeeds in the end depends on his own strength."

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