1.2 - Ashes, drawings, notes

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The entire painting in the studio was Shen Li's hard work. He wished that even Lu Yu's hair was perfectly painted. When Xie Chao lit these paintings with a lighter, the firelight shone on the side of his face. , the color of his lips became paler, and orange flames flew onto his fingers. Xie Chao threw them into the basin in front of him, and he stood aside and watched quietly.

"It's all turned into ashes." Although System 333 has no entity, he can still see the thick black ash in the basin through Xie Chao's vision: "The resentment value has dropped by five points, and it is now ninety-five."

"It took me so long to love someone, but the best painting in the end was the other person's sarcastic eyes. If I keep this in the studio for a day, Shen Li will be sad for a day." Xie Chao threw the best painting in the He walked into the brazier and watched almost indifferently as the people in the portrait were swallowed up by the flames, until the eyes full of mockery turned into ashes.

After the paintings in the house were removed, the whole room was almost empty. The knocking on the door continued for a while and then stopped. The sound of a car starting sounded, but all of this was not within Xie Chao's attention. After walking back and forth in the studio, he determined that there were no paintings left, and even the line drawings and discarded drafts were all burned.

"It's indeed a pity." Xie Chao glanced at the hideous scar on his right hand and gently pressed it with his left hand: "Even with this body, Shen Li will never be able to paint any more paintings. "

After being silent for a while, he suddenly called the system, and 333 responded: "I'm here."

Xie Chao was suddenly stunned. He didn't know why, but these two words, which were obviously very ordinary, gave him the illusion of déjà vu.

"Host?" 333 asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Can your system help with drawing?" Xie Chao cleared his throat, with a smile as always in his voice. After a pause, 333 replied: "It doesn't have this function."

"That's such a pity." Xie Chao didn't say what he was regretting, but he glanced around the empty studio and sighed in a low voice.

It was different from what he thought. He always felt that this conversation seemed familiar, but there were some subtle differences. After thinking about it to no avail, he could only put the issue behind him.

There were some remaining paints in the cabinet on the side. Shen Li was a tidy person, so he packed them neatly. Xie Chao just glanced at them and was about to close the cabinet door, but he was in the corner. I saw a notebook wrapped in brown paper.

He took out the thing. The kraft paper on it was very clean. Although the corners were well kept, it was still a little upturned. It could be seen that it was taken out and read frequently. After Xie Chao opened the notebook, his eyes fell on it. on what was recorded above.

On May 2, 2025, I ate three yellow pills and two white pills

On May 3, 2025, I ate four yellow pills and two white pills


These records are slowly changing, occasionally increasing, occasionally decreasing, until a blank appears in the middle, and the next one is no longer in the form of written records, but becomes a table.

The date is written in the vertical column of the table, and "Bupropion (morning)", "Bupropion (middle)", "Bupropion (evening)" is written in the horizontal column. There are check marks in the middle of the table. But there will be blank spaces in some areas, and there will be more blank spaces as you go back...

"His memory has been declining." Xie Chao subconsciously rubbed his eyebrows: "So the method of recording by date is no longer enough. I can't remember how many medicines I took today, so I chose to record in real time in a table."

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