12.4 - In the dream, jumping into the lake, Xie Chao

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"They said you need to wear black clothes for funerals. This one is torn here. I will ask someone to sew it up." Someone seemed to be talking in his ears. Xie Chao felt that he could not move. His consciousness slowly returned and he sat on the sofa. On, I heard people around me keep saying: "You should also look at it. This matter... is an accident. The police are investigating Jiang Yao's matter. If he is still here, he will be very upset when he sees you like this." Sad."

Jiang Yao......

Xie Chao only caught these two words in a series of words. He turned his head almost stiffly and looked at the speaker. His originally blurry vision gradually became clearer. The people walking in front of him were all people he was familiar with. His Classmates, Jiang Yao's classmates, his friends, Jiang Yao's friends, and teachers... There are yellow and white chrysanthemums on the table, the guitar is leaning on the balcony, white clothes are folded and placed on the bedside, and there is another Although the turtleneck wool has been cleaned, you can still see the brown blood stains remaining on it. A large blood stain cannot be washed away.

"The teacher said that the school will protect you in this matter. Jiang Yao's death is an irreversible thing. The dead are dead, and the living should live better." The person in front of him squatted down. , he held Xie Chao's hand: "I don't know what happened to you, but you can't do it like this. I really recommend that you see a psychiatrist. You know, there is something wrong with your current state. "

Xie Chao didn't speak. It wasn't that he couldn't speak, but he just didn't want to speak suddenly.

"Did you hear what I said? Can you give me a response?" The person who spoke was a good friend of Xie Chao. The person sighed deeply: "How about you change your place to live? Otherwise, you are here. I can never forget this."

Xie Chao subconsciously looked at the furnishings in the house. He was very familiar with this house. It was the place where he had lived for several years. He and Jiang Yao had been here before, but why were there so many chrysanthemums placed here? Who were these given to? Yeah, he didn't understand what was going on.

"Tomorrow, when Jiang Yao is buried, you can wear that dress. It's all done for you." His friend was still talking to him, but Xie Chao just felt suffocated. He almost desperately wanted to I ran away from here, but I couldn't move. I tried my best and only moved my little finger slightly. My friend didn't notice it and just continued to persuade: "Xie Chao..."

Xie Chao raised his eyes slightly, and finally his eyes fell on a black and white photo. In the photo, Jiang Yao had a very good-looking face, delicate eyebrows, and he was five years old, fifteen years old, eighteen years old, and twenty years old. . . . almost nothing much has changed.

His fingers curled up slightly, he shrank back a little in fear, and turned his head. When his friend saw it, he could only sigh.

"His situation is more complicated." Xie Chao vaguely heard someone discussing outside the door. The place where he was sitting changed again, surrounded by white walls. He seemed to be in a hospital clinic when he heard the other person say: " Because the overly strong stimulation caused him psychological and mental problems, for him, seeing with his own eyes, or even touching his lover's cold body, and seeing the other person's death was a very strong stimulation. It will keep him trapped in it, and he may completely forget this point. No matter what it is, it is a post-traumatic self-awareness protection. "


When Xie Chao woke up again, the room looked like what he had seen before. He felt a little dazed, but he also knew that he seemed to have had a very outrageous dream. In the dream, his friend told him that Jiang Yao was dead. , and there's going to be a funeral.

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