Entry Number Twenty (1/24/2011)

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lolz I've been wanting to do that for a while now but I would always forget when I was starting an entry. I though my 20th entry would be an appropriate day to do that.

So yeah, I have more views on my Dear readers, than any of my other stories. Not surprising really, considering I have the most parts on it.

So do you guys think the amount of writing I did yesterday was enough to make up for my major slackage during the days before? I certainly do. After all, IT WAS LIKE 5 PAGES.

Woops, caps lock XS

Anyway, It's 2:37 right now and I'm on early with the deal that I'll get off early.

When I first got on the computer, I was worried whether or not the internet would work. It's awfully windy outside after all. I'm really thankful I didn't have to go to school today XD XD XD

I'm gonna go read some 1/2 Prince now, so c ya laterz!



I think I'm done with watching 1/2 Prince for now. I've already watched my favorite parts that have happened to far in the manga. 

Now... what should I do next? Read another manga? Or watch an anime? Hmmmm...

Oh yeah! I was watching Naruto before wasn't I? In that case I gonna go watch that(starting with episode 90)


GAHHH!!! Screw it! It's taking to long to find one that's good quality and that is Japanese with English subtitles! 

I'm getting out my USB 'cause my anime and manga lists are on it. 


I've decided! I'm gonna watch Tenshi na Konamaiki AKA Cheeky Angel(on YouTube).


Hmmm... I also kind of want to watch America's Next Top Model on one of my sites... hmmm... I think I'll do both.


I wanted to watch it from the very first episode of the first season but the sound was right off DX So I'm watching it on YouTube Instead.


I've decided not to watch Tenshi na Konamaiki but instead just watch ANTM.



I'm getting off now(remember, I got on early so I gotta get off early).

I just finished episode 4 of America's Next Top Model. 

I'm not going to be going on again later because of my English exam. I won't be going on late at night(or early in the morning) all week because I'm going to need a good sleep to be able to concentrate properly. Also, except for tomorrow, I won't be able to be on much(or, possibly, at all) in the evenings so that I have time to study.

So look forward to a bunch of really short entries or possibly no entries at all.

Though tomorrow I'm going to the public library after my exam(I hope the weather is good, 'cause I gotta walk there) and I will most likely go on one of the computers there.

Song -> The Ninja Glare by Nigahiga(real name=Ryan Higa)

Picture -> The picture that inspired my poem Mister Muffin

So anyway, buhbye!

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