Entry Number Thirty-Eight (2/11/2011)

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Dear readers,



So happee!

So anyway, I just found two new stories on here that I want to read. One is Oh My Gods! by CoolDidi and the other is The Girl Who Wrote the Dating Manual by racingheart. From what I've read so far, they seem like they'll be really good.

Before that, though, I'm gonna read mah manga. I'm on Marks laptop, but that's only until the desktop finishes turning on. I'll be back on the laptop when I'm finished with my manga.

The Chinese and Korean students that I'll be tudoring in my Reading Tudor class are arriving over the weekend and will be at school on Monday. They probably won't be in classes until Tuesday, though.

I have to finish my Graphic Arts project on 10 principles of design over the weekend. I'll put it in the external link when I'm done.

Anyway, c yaz!



I'm back on the laptop! The desktop was SO DAMN SLOW(like usual)!!!

Mum made me soup XD 

Bleach has been really good lately, which would be awesome if only the chapters weren't SO SHORT.

I'm gonna read some Cyber Blue now, ttyl.



Don't you just love it when a candle is lit, and there's a puddle of melted wax arround the flame ,and you put one of your fingers in the puddle, and when you take it out, the wax dries, and then you have a wax-tipped finger? I just went upstairs to go to the washroom and there was a lit candle in there. Mum lit it so it wouldn't smell so much(which is WAY better than that crap spray stuff that makes me unable to breath without having this gross taste in my mouth, causing me to have to spit every five seconds). And after I did mah business and washed mah hands, ah did that very thing I just discribed and all of my fingers on my right hand were wax-tipped. I took the wax off before writing this, though. I though it would be uncomfortable to write with wax-tipped fingers and it would take to long to write with just my left hand.

Wow. I wrote a whole paragraph on something so inconsequential. Kool.

Anyway, ttyl for real this time.



I was uploading a video on YouTube and listening to My Whole Family Thinks I'm Gay by Bo Burnham and when I checked to see how much of the video had loaded and guess what percentage was done? 96!!!



lolz I just noticde a couple minutes ago that I wrote the number 96 there. I meant to write 69. Woops.

I just watched my last chapter of Cyber Blue for today, it was number 23. 

I think I'm gonna go get changed now. I'm freakin' hot with this black turtleneck on, especially considering that neither the laptop nor the desktop(they're right next to each other) are more than 15 feet from the woodstove. 

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