Entry Number Ninety-One (11/19/2011)

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Dear readers,


I know it's kind of an odd thing to say, but there's a possibility I might get a sex change when I'm older.

It's not that I have a preference for women, on the contrary, so far I've only had romantic feelings for men(sexual feelings are a different story, of course ^-^) . I also know that I would be giving up many things, like wearing pretty clothing and jewelry. 

But the thing is, I'm pretty sure my personality is much more masculine than otherwise. I feel like I could be me more easily. There are also many other advantages that I can see. I wouldn't have to worry about being accidently impregnated or about my period. It would be easier to gain the musle that I want to gain. I can't even imagine myself being dominated in a relationship, and that's definitely easier if I'm a man. I live in Canada, so marriage wouldn't be a problem even If I wished to marry a man.

I'm not saying I'm making my decision now, obviously, but I AM considering the possibility.

Anyway, I just wanted to put it out there.  Any post-op FTMs out there with some insight would be great.

That was really all I had to say. Bye!

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