Entry Number Two (1/6/2011)

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Dear readers,

I've got lots to say at the moment. It's about 5:20 and I woke up approximately 3 hours ago. I always wake up really late on days without school. So I woke up, and I've been reading a book I borrowed from the public library yesterday when we went to town. It's The Naming by Alison Croggon. I haven't ever read it before, but it seems pretty good so far. I'm half-way through page 67. The book reminds me a whole lot of the Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini. Those are amazing books. I have all of them and I can't wait for the fourth to come out so I can read it. 

I usually get on the computer at 5, but there are plenty of times when I go on later because I'm finishing a movie or a part in a book. The first thing I did when I got on the computer today was load two episodes of Prince or Tennis. I finished episode 86 last night(or should I say this morning), but I'm starting with ep 90 today because episode 87-88 was a double filler episode and they suck monkey balls. This isn't the first or even the second time I have watched these episodes. I have finished this anime once.

I then loaded Very Demotivational Posters to see if there where any new ones. There where. And Facebook to see if I had any new notifications. I did. Then I came here for my new entry.

I tried to type one of those square brackets but it didn't work 'cause it seems my brother's laptop's keyboard is stuck on the French setting again for some reason. I hate it when it does this, it's such a hassle DX It's still on that setting now.

So anyway, last night I ended up removing my nail polish again after all because even hours after painting them, they still weren't completely dry. Grrr. My nails still smell like nail-polish remover. I hate that smell. It's a really icky, strong smell. Like puke, but different.

 Oh yeah! I forgot to say. When I came downstairs to go on the computer(I was reading upstairs on the comfy couch) It was really cold. I was still in my pajamas(I am now too) and I ended up putting on my purple pair of fuzzy socks and my favorite sweater, AND wrapping my red blanket around me. Then, with his usual bad timing, dad goes and sets a fire in the wood stove that's maybe 12 feet away. So now I'm too warm and I'm sweating 'cause I'm too lazy to remove the blanket. And I just farted so now it smells too. lolz probably too much information for you guys ryt? But that's okay 'cause that's just what I'm like. I farted again and this one smells even stronger DX Anyway if one of my friends were right beside me right now I probably would have aimed my ass in their direction before farting and given them a good whiff. They probably would act all grossed out, but they would laugh too XD

I really can't get enough of Yaoi(guyXguy). The last thing I read before going to bed last night(AKA this morning) was a yaoi manga called Aishi no Sweet Voice. I prefer Sexy Cool Voice by the same author, which has better art but I'm pretty sure they have the same characters. 

 Did you know that the person who voices Abarai Renji from the anime Bleach has actually voiced in yaoi animes before? Watch Ikoku Irokoi Romantan, he's the Uke(The one on bottom in the relationship). He's also an Uke in one of the couples in Junjou Romantica. The couple where the Seme(The one on top in the relationship) is younger than the Uke. XP

I sit weirdly. I don't usually sit with my feet touching the ground, they're always up on my seat, even at school. When I sit like this, I never cross my legs, but I do when I sit with my legs down. Dunno why, it's just the only way I feel comfortable. I'm sitting with my feet up right now. I slouch a lot when I sit but have great posture when I'm standing. I wonder why?

I highly doubt anyone will ever fully understand me because I highly doubt I will ever fully understand myself. Weird huh?

My favorite manga ever is One Piece. My second favorite manga is Claymore. I prefer manga to anime. I also read manhwas. My favorites are probably Ares, then The One and then Saver. Oh! I just checked and realized there's finally new chapters of Ares! When I get off this, I'm gonna go read 'em! XD

My mums calling me upstairs and getting all pissy about it, I'll be back to write more in a second.

Dang! I wanna make a line with a bunch of those wavy things, but because the keyboard is stuck on French, it doesn't work! DX DX DX


I'm back, and now I have soup! Yummmmm!

Why does my brother have to be so immature? He's twenty years old, for god's sake! DX DX DX

Damn caps lock, always messing with me DX

Anyway, it's about 6:20 and I'm gonna stop writing for now, I'll come back when I have something else to write about. C ya laterz!


It's almost nine o'clock now so it's almost time to take mah shower. I'm on our desktop now, 'cause Marco Polo(Mark's nickname) always makes me get off around this time.

I always get off at nine for my shower, then, when mark gets off later to take his shower(he takes REALLY long showers, which usually start at around midnight-ish) I go on. He doesn't go back on after his shower, and I usually stay on until somewhere between 1AM and 6AM. Which means this probably won't be the last time I write here today.

The reason I'm writing on the same entry again is because I thought it would be too annoying to make a new one. So from now on, It'll only be one entry a day, where even if I'm writing at a different time, It'll still be on the same entry, so long as it's the same day.

I have a feeling I just said the same thing many times in different ways. I tend to do that sometimes. Also, sometimes I'll tell people something I've already told them, because I can't remember telling them(I have crappy memory). In any case, ttyl.


It is about 2:10 and I'm back on my brother's laptop! The keyboard seems to be back to normal XD I could have got on earlier, but I have been reading The Naming and I find myself enraptured in the story and it's telling. I've reached chapter 10.

I think, now that I'm on again, I will read one of the mangas that I've read many times that I love, Tokyo Crazy Paradise, by the same mangaka(AKA person who does manga) as Skip Beat!, while listening to the music on my YouTube playlist. She's great at drawing expressions Xo... anyway, I might add more to this entry, but if not I'll get back to you guys tomorrow! XD   


I ended up coming back on after all. I got bored, so I'm getting of earlier than I do most of the time, it's only approx. 3:40AM. The Naming is more interesting than a manga I've read lots of times, mostly because it's my first time reading it.

I'm in a lot of pain right now(as per usual), so the comfort of mah bed is gunna be a welcome one XD My nails still smell like nail polish though DX

Still can't believe I was only on for about an hour and a half!

Anyway c ya tomorrow! XD 

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