Chapter 269

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Jaydene's POV
I sat in my bed with my head in my hands. My phone started vibrating i looked at the screen then looked away. Everything came rushing back. All the pain came rushing back to me. My eyes filled with tears as i walked to the bathroom. I undid a razor and took out a blade. I ran it down my arm. I could heart phone vibrating and pinging. All the hate on my screen. The nasty things those people call me. My "friends" call me.
"Fat bitch" "slut" "hoe" "whore" "fucking pig" "fat cow" "fat bitch"
My "friends" are the only people that know about my insecurities. I absolutely hate my body. I hate it so much. Whether people say that i have big boobs and arse and a flat stomach and my waist goes in. I really don't care. When i look in the mirror i see an ugly blob and it makes me sick. For my "friends" to say that, knowing how i feel makes me even more upset. I tied my hair back and looked down at my arms. All the scars. My eyes started to water and i looked up into the mirror and the tears rolled down my face. My face is just as bad as my body. I hate it. I think back to when i tried to commit suicide. Why didnt it work? I don't want to be here. I just want to be alone forever. Somewhere where i don't have to deal with trying to look nice, somewhere where people don't have to talk to me, where i don't have to deal with the hate. Somewhere where i can stop pretending to be okay.
I looked back down to my arm and applied pressure to the blade. I cut deep into my skin. I screamed silently as the blood ran down my arm and onto my top. I fell to the floor and cried silently as i cut again and again and...

Jayden's POV
I went to go and check on Justine. I knocked on her door.
"Come in"
She was sat on her sofa staring into space. I watched her from the door. I stood in silence for a few moments and then she turned to look at me. She looked like she was going to burst into tears.
"Ahh Justine come 'ere"
She jumped up and ran into my arms. I hugged her tight and she hugged me back. She cried into my chest.
"Its going to he alright Justine. Her spirit is still with us"
she nodded and pulled away. She wiped her tears and tiptoed to kiss my cheek. I smiled at her and left. I went to check on Jaydene.
I knocked on the door. There was no reply. I opened her door.
I looked around her room and she wasn't there. Her bathroom door was opened and i heard some sniffing. I walked over and i saw her sat on the floor covered in blood.
"Jaydene!!!" I screamed but she kept crying. She looked so fed up. She looked like she didnt want to be here. My eyes filled with tears as i watched her cry. I ran out into my parents room
"J-Jaydene is on the floor of her bathroom covered in blood!"
There eyes opened wide as the followed me back to her room. Jaydene was screaming and crying and shouting but no words were coming out. Everytime someone tried to touch her, she just got louder. I walked out the bathroom and belled Aaron.
"Kl jayden"
"Yu need to get here like right now"
"What why?!"
"Jaydene is on the floor in her bathroom covered in blood screaming shouting and crying"
"Yh come now"
"Im on my way"
Locked off.

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