Chapter 322

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Aaron's POV
I had to leave Jaydene and go to the trap. I sent her a text saying i would be back later. When I got there, Marco and Sean were here.
"So why did you guys call me here?"
i nodded. "kll"
I went upstairs into my office and looked at the two boxs on my table. Marco handed me his pocket knife and i cut the boxes opened. One of them was full of drugs, the other shanks and guns. Mostly shanks.
"Well, you two take what you like and get the others to make money from the rest. All weapons should be handled with leathers on. I don't need no feds looking for me."
I actually care about my education unlike some other boys my age. And plus, i dont what Jaydene would do if I get arrested. I promised her that i wouldn't get hurt. She doesn't like the fact that im in a gang, getting arrested wont help the situation. I was about to leave but Marco stopped me.
"Don't you want any?"
"nah im cool"
"sure?" Sean asked
"yhyh. You two are incharge"

I left and made my way back home. When I got there i could smell food coming from the kitchen. I walked in to see Jaydene by the stove in only one of my tops and her hair was down. I smiled. She looked perfect, relaxed and comfortable. She looked up to me and smiled
"oh, I hope you don't mind i borrowed one of your tops"
I smiled more "It's okay beautiful"
She smiled and looked back down to the frying pan
"What you making?" I asked walking over to her
"eggs, beans, plantin"
I put my arms around her waist from behind and rested my chin on her shoulder.
"coz you love me innit"
She rolled her eyes. I laughed and kissed her cheek.
"Yh i love you"
"I love you too" i said kissing her cheek again
"Aaron can i ask you something?"
"How comes your mum is never home"
I thought for a moment
"You dont have to answer-"
"nah its alright. Idrk the answer to that myself. Normally she would go for a week or two and then come back but i guess now she just doesnt want to" I shrugged. Jaydene turned the stove down and walked over to me
"Im sorry baby" she said standing infront of me. She looked up into my eyes. I smiled down at her
"It's okay, I got you now" i said wrapping my arms around her waist. She smiled and I leaned in to kiss her. Im glad ive got Jaydene now. She keeps me company more than my mum ever did and; I love Jaydene with all my heart. She's my everything.

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