Chapter 58

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Sapphire's POV
I was still upset about what happened with my mum. I cant believe she really thought i was a sket. Just because she was one when she was younger doesnt mean i took after her. I still cant believe my mum would think of me like that. Her own flesh and blood. I felt the tears run down my face. I sat up in bed and waited for Damien to come up. He was getting me a glass of water. I really do love him regardless of what my so called "mother" has to say.
"Baby, dnt cry"
I wiped my tears making him smile.
"Don't worry about her. we're still going to bring a beautiful life into the world regardless of her opinion"
"That's true but shes my mum. I will always care about her opinion"
"I understand where you're coming from"
There was a pause
"Ik how you feel babe. My dad never agreed with anything i did when i was younger. I ended up not caring about his opinion. You will to with your mum. It will just take time b"
I rested my head on his shoulder. I understand what he was saying and he was right. If im in love with Damien and i want to have a baby, why should my mother's negative opinions matter?

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