Chapter 553

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Tyrell's POV.
Rhea had just left Aaliyah so i went to go and see her.
"Baby girl?"
She looked up at me and smiled weakly "hey"
"How you feeling?"

Aaliyah's POV
I suspected that Isaac had already spoken to Tyrell.
"Tbh, i feel better now that you're here"
He winked at me making me smiled. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and gave me a hug. I felt so relaxed.
The day was fully dragging on. I cba tbh. We was in english. I hate english with a passion tbh. Eventhough i get an A, its just so boring.
I leaned my head on the table and closed my eyes. I just want to go home.
"Aaliyah, what is wrong with you?"
I raised an eyebrow, open my eyes and sat up "excuse me?"
"Why can you never pay attention in this class? What is wrong with you?"
"Don't talk to my sister like that"
I turned to look at Isaac who was getting pissed.

Isaac's POV
Is this teacher mad? Who does she think shes talkin to?
"Are you deaf? Don't speak to my sister like that"
"I can talk to you however i please"
"Respect works both ways" both me and Aaliyah said
She just looked at us then turned to Aaliyah.
"Whats wrong with you?"
"Are you fucking deaf?!" She was fully pissing me off now
"Excuse me?" Idk why she sounds so shocked.
"I said, don't speak to my sister like that. Leave her alone"
"Well she needs to pay attention, shes disrupting the class-"
"Did anyone tell you to stop teaching?" Me and Aaliyah said
People started to laugh
Miss just looked at us.
"Leave her alone" i said
Miss looked from me to Aaliyah.
"Ooooo" the class cooed
"Isaac, stand outside"
"Don't tell me what to fucking do" i kissed my teeth. She was really pissing me off.
"Isaac. stand outside"
Rhea was looking at me, as if to tell me stop but this teacher was really annoying me.
"Stop fucking shouting at me"
"Isaac, get out of my class"
I stood up and dashed the table
"You need to go anger management!"
"Who the fuck do you think you are! Fuck you!"
I picked up my shit and left the class.

Aaliyah's POV
Everyone jumped when Isaac dashed the table and slammed the door shut. I looked at miss and kissed my teeth. I looked at Rhea who sighed and both me and her gave our teacher the peakest screw. She carried on teaching her lesson.

Isaac's POV
I walked to the medical office. I went up to the desk and started banging on it. My blood was boiling.
"Miss i want to go home"
"Coz that prick teacher is pissing me off"
"Isaac, language"
"Miss. I want to go home."
"School is nearly done-"
My fist was banging on the desk so hard now.
"I want to go now."
"Isaac, i cant let you-"
"Oh my fucking dayz!" I kicked down a plant pot and it smashed making soil and clay cover the floor.
"I want to go home"
"Okay Isaac"

If it's meant to beDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora