Chapter 215

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Janelle's POV
We got home and Justine went straight to her room. I sighed. Im just going to give her some space. I went up to Jayden's room. Him and Samantha were revising.
"Um Jayden, can we talk quickly"
He got up and followed me into my room. I told him everything that happened at the doctors and what Justine said. He sighed and shook his head
"I'll speak to her" he said walking out
I sat on the bed and put my head in my hands. How could i let this happen?

Jayden's POV
I went and knocked on Justine's door. She didnt reply. I walked in and shut it behind me. She was laying under the covers and i sat at the edge of her bed not facing her. There was silence for a couple minutes.
"Justine, speak to me"
She sat up in bed looking down.
"Whats wrong?"
She sighed.
"Talk to me" i said turning around. She looked up. I could see the hurt in her eyes.
"You know how i told you i liked Darnell"
"Yh like last year"
"Yh ive liked him for a year and at the disco..." she fell silent
"He kissed Lisa. " she said nearly in tears.
"Your bestfriend Lisa?"
I sighed
"Its not just that thought"
"Then what?"
"He led me on. He made me believe that he liked me, like the things he said to me. He even told me he wanted to be the father of my babies. He made me feel special and i fell for him. Hard. He said he loved me..." she started to cry "and then when i saw them kiss right infront of me, everything came crashing down. I feel worthless, like im not good enough. I feel like i was treated like a joke and wasnt taken seriously. I tried to put it all behind me but it was always there. Everyday when i went to school they were always there. When i get home and go on my phone, something is always there. I cant hide from it. Hes the first person ive actually loved. I thought he felt the same way" she out her head in her hands.
"Justine, you can talk to me about anything, sometimes it makes you feel better when you speak about it. I'm not going to tell you to just forget him because ik its not that easy but i want you to try and distance yourself. If you show them that its hurting you inside they'll carry on and do things when you're around. Hang with new people start fresh. When they do things around you, smile at them eventhough your hurting. You have to show them it don't matter to you so they can stop trying so hard."
She looked up.
"Jayden that's a really good idea" she leaned forward and have me a bid hug. She kissed my cheek
"Ahh i love you Jayden"
"I love you too Justine. Feel better?"
"Promise me something"
"You're going to take your medication until you're better"
She groaned
"And you'll eat atleast 3 meals a day"
"And you're not gonna cut. Are you?"
She didnt say anything
"I was going to-"
She sighed "okay Jayden. I promise" she gave me another hug and i hugged her back. I kissed her cheek.

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