Chapter 109

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(Boys mentioned in last chapter are in the media)

Joanne's POV
David treated me so well. I wanted to be with him for the rest or my life. He was such a gentleman and so romantic. He took me out to eat, he ordered for me, poured my drinks, pulled out my chair. I thought men like that only exist in movies but obviously not. I thank God everyday for what i have. Im so lucky that ive got David here with me.
But not everything in 100% perfect im this world. Jay was still on the run. And someone was in my house the other day but they managed to get away. I was wondering what jay was up to. If hes staying somewhere, if hes on the road or if he knows where Janelle's new house is. Ik Jay has nothing so im wondering how hes gettin on. He might aswell just turn himself in.

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