Chapter 257

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Samantha's POV
the movie finished so we were just speaking.
"So Jayden what yu getting Samantha"
I looked up from my phone to Jayden. He smiled
"Idk. Haven't really thought about it" he shrugged
All the boys started coughing. Jayden started to laugh.
"Um yh, hes chatting shit"
"Gimme a clue"
"Its for you. From me"
"Well nahhhhhhh you don't say"
We all laughed
"You'll like it. Hopefully"
"There's not hopefully about it" Richard said
"Yhh, shes gonna fucking love it!" Kieran butted in
"Truee" Rhys said
I turned to the girls and they started to laugh.
"Well what yu getting me?" He asked
The girls started coughing and sneezing
"Sorry but we're allergic to bullshit" Tiana said as i turned to them
The rest agreed
"Well" i said looking back to Jayden "have i been out recently to get yu anything?"
"Yu cuuda went when i was away" he smiled
"Hmmm" i raised an eyebrow "either way you have to wait until tomorrow"
I smiled at him.
"Wait i want to know what Jayden got her" rhianna said
Richard started whispering to her. Her facial expression was priceless.
"Oh my fucking days! Are yu lying"
Richard shook his head. I turned to Jayden and he smiled and looked down.
"Wait i want to know" Tiana said
Kieran started whispering to her and Rhys started whispering to India. There facial expressions made me want to know more
"Ahh Samantha you're gonna love it"
"Your gonna love all of them"
"So theres more than one thing?" I raised an eyebrow
"Hmm. Okay"
"What she get him?" Kieran asked
Tiana started whisper to Kieran and Rhianna to Richard and India to Rhys.
"Lucky man bro" Rhys said to Jayden
"Mmm" he smiled
"Well you guys only have to wait a few more hours" India said
"That's still long though" i said
"Yu just dnt have patience" rhianna said
I laughed "true"
"We haven't done a squad photo in time" India said
"Ooh yhh"
"Come then"
We all stood up. Jayden took out his phone and we all bunched up and took a couple pictures. They looked nice. Jayden sent them to everyone. I put one on insta with the caption "family ❤️" and so did the others. I went on snapchat and made some stories. I could tell it was late coz Tiana started chatting so much shit.
"Guysss guess what!!?" She said
"Loool nothing"
We all shook out heads at her
"Whatt?" She giggled
"I think your tired babe" Kieran said standing up. He took her hand and went to the door.
"Night guys"
"Night" we all said
"I guess we should hit the sheets"
The rest of the squad stood up.
"Night guys"

Jayden's POV
I turned to Samantha. She was looking down to her phone. I stood up and went infront of her. I took her phone and put it on the side. She looked up to me. I moved the hair in her face behind her ear. Shes so beautiful.
"You're beautiful"
She smiled "thank you baby"
I winked at her. The clock struck midnight.
"Happy birthday beautiful" i said bringing her close to my body
"Happy birthday sexy"
I held the side of her face and kissed her. The kiss went on for longg and our tongues moved in and out of eachothers mouths. We stopped when my door opened and Jaydene Justine Sarah and our parents came in.
"Happy birthday!!"
We smiled "thank you!"
They handed us a white envelope each.
"This is from us all" dad said.
I opened the envelope.
We got like £6,000 each
"Ahh thanks guys"
"Yh thank youu"
We said giving them a hug
"Np enjoy your day" they smiled and left.
I watched Samantha bend down to put her envelope in a draw. Her arse is actually big. Very big.
She took off her top revealing her boobs in a red bra with black lace. She looked sexy.
She looked up to see me staring at her she smiled. She walked over to me and lifted my tshirt revealing my packs. I took my top off and she rubbed her hands across them.

Samantha's POV
Jayden's starting to get a 8pack <3_<3.
"How comes yu have a 8pack?"
"Coz i train and work out. And i have to look good for my baby" he said kissing my forehead
I smiled. I bit my lip. I want him bad now.
"I want you too" he whispered to me i started sucking on his neck. Long and hard. He let out quiet groans. Whe i stopped i left about 5 love bites on his neck and chest.
He looked in the mirror. He turned around smirking.
"My turn"

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