Chapter 147

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Two days later ~~

Janelle's POV
Having two children in the house is a struggle. Much harder than i thought. Twice as much things need to be done. I love being a mother and all and i dnt like leaving Jayden's side but that just means things dont get done.
"Babe hold him for a bit"
Jerome took Jayden and started playing with him. I went to Sapphire's room
"Do you have any baby clothes that you want to be washed?"
"Yep I'll help you" she said "hold her b" he said to Damien.
She got the hamper of clothes from her baby's room and followed me downstairs.
"Hows Jayden?"
"Hes actually very quiet, like he doesn't cry for no reason what about Samantha?" I said putting baby clothes in the wash
"Shes the same, she cries a lot in the night though" she said folding the clothes
"So does Jayden"
"Hard work"
Jerome and Damien walked in holding the babies.
"Babe hes hungry"
"Yh shes hungry aswell"
"Well you guys have to tidy up around here"
They looked at eachother
We took the babies and went to the living room and breast fed them. When he stopped, i held him up and put the towel on my shoulder and burped him. When he burped he started to fall asleep. Jayden reminds me of Jerome a lot. They look the same. Theyre both just really cute. I looked down at Jayden and he was asleep. I went upstairs to put him down but when i did he started to cry. I smiled and held him to me. I sat in the chair in his room and held him.
I looked up and Jerome was standing in the door way.
"U okay?"
I nodded, he smiled
"Why don't u put him down b?"
"Coz he started crying when i did"
"Arwh he loves his mummy just like i love you"
I smiled. I love Jerome bare.
"I love you too"
I bit my lip. I wanted to do what i was thinking. Mmmm. I stood up and put Jayden down and he didnt cry. I smiled. I grabbed Jerome's hand and dragged him to our room locking the door behind us.

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