Chapter 17

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(Picture is of Dr Kyle)

"So guys, what brings you here today?"
"Well i took a pregnancy test and it came positive"
"Oh congratulations guys"
"Thank you" Jerome and i said looking at eachother.
"Well just to be sure, Janelle could you urinate in this small cup?" He said handing over a cup
"Yh sure"
I walked to the bathroom and pissed in the cup. Normally i could never piss but i guess today was my lucky day. I washed my hands and walked back to the room we was in. Jerome and Dr Kyle had just finished up a conversation as i walked in. I handed him the cup and he stood up.
"Results should be back in about 5 minutes"
"Okay thank you"
"Just doing my job" he said walking out the room
"So what were u and him talking about?"
"He asked me if we're getting married and i was like yh i proposed on her birthday. Then he asked if that's how u became pregnant and i laughed at him. He said i guess there are some things you just got to do"
"Ohh lool okay"
"Why so nervous babe"
"What if I'm not pregnant?"
"You are"
"How can you be so sure?"
"Well 1) i bussed in you like 20 times" we laughed "2) you had morning sickness for a couple of weeks and 3) because ik you are" i smiled at Jerome he makes me feel better all the time
"Do i?" He asked
"All the time"
He kissed me on my cheek and just then Dr Kyle walked in
"Great news, you are pregnant!"
"Yesss!" I squealed
Me and Jerome shared a hug
"Right there are some precautions you should take. No drinking or smoking, you shouldn't be around smokers. As your baby develops over the 9months, you shouldn't do too much heavy lifting. Also, get lots of rest. Try not to take too much medication unless it is prescribed me. Try not to take paracetomols etc when feeling ill. If anything call me up and I'll prescribe you something or pay a home visit, alright?"
"Right, here's a prescription for some tablets that you should take to help your baby's growth. Theyre tablets but if you don't like them, there is a sweet like version to them. The majority of people prefer those." He said handing me a prescription
"Right your next appointment is going to be in 10 days because you are 2 weeks along. It will be your first ultrasound scan. Would you like a 3D one or normal?"
I looked over to Jerome
"Both" he said
"Yh" i agreed
"Okay that's fine, there will be some parenting classes that you can attend if you want. Its just a way to teach new parents how to look after babies and change nappies and all of those things. Then again you don't have to attend, you can learn from your parents" he laughed "I'll send a letter when it gets close to your next appointment, congratulations" he said shaking Jerome and then my hand.
"Thank you" we said as we walked out.
We went to the pharmacy.
"Get the sweets aswell coz knowing you u wont like the tablets"
He was right. When we got home i took a tablet and it was absolutely disgusting. Lately I've been very tired tbh. I got undressed and put on one of Jeromes tops.
I walked into the gym to see Jerome lifting weights. He was all sweaty. I bit my lip; this turned me on bare.
"Can you tie my hair up?"
"Sure, but why do you want me to do it?"
"Coz i like when you do it" i said looking down
He started smiling. I gave him the hair band and stood behind me.
"Are you going to sleep?" He asked
"Yh im really tired"
He put my hair up into the bun i do when I'm going to sleep
"Goodnight beautiful, I'll be up soon"
"Goodnight" i said kissing his cheek. He slapped my ass as i walked out making me giggle.
When i got into the room i layed on Jerome's side of the bed. I loved his side, it smelt like him. I fell asleep straight away, but i felt Jerome put his arms around me later on. I snuggled against him and went back to sleep. I cant wait until my first ultrasound.

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