Chapter 397

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Jayden's POV
For the last couple of days, i could tell that the miscarriage was really affecting Samantha. However, shes gotten happier lately. Like shes playing with the twins more and smiling more and her smiling makes me happy.
"Daddy!" I heard Aaliyah. I came out into the hallway.
"Yes princess?"
"Loook" she said showing me her new clothes that Samantha designed.
"You look very pretty princess" i said lifting her up.
"Thank you daddy"
I kissed her cheek. Samantha came downstairs holding Isaac.
"Doesn't my little prince look handsome?" She smiled and Isaac started to gurgle.
"Yh, they both look very nice"
"Okay babies, i want to take a picture of you"
They started to giggle and ran into the living room. Isaac has a gold chain identical to mine but his has a dummy on it. Aaliyah also has a gold necklace with her dummy on it. We followed them into the living room and they climbed onto the sofa. The started to play with their dummies and chains as Samantha snapped pictures of them. They look so cute.
"Isaac Aaliyah"
They both looked up to Samantha
Isaac and Aaliyah looked at eachother and then hugged. Theyre actually so cute. Isaac then kissed Aaliyah's cheek. I smiled. I can tell hes going to be a great big brother.

Samantha's POV
These pictures of Isaac and Aaliyah are actually so pretty. I posted them like everywhere. The comments people put on insta were so nice. It made me smile.
"Mummy i hungry"
"And meee!!" Aaliyah clapped her hands
"Come on then"
Tht followed me into the kitchen and Jayden sat them in their high chairs and put their bibs on.
I dished them out some rice and chicken. I had to cut the chicken off the bone so its easier for them to handle. Me and Jayden have to feed them because if we dont, God knows there will be rice everywhere. I warmed up the twins food im the microwave and took it over to them. I gave Aaliyah's plate to Jayden and sat down opposite Isaac. I took a spoonful of food and blew it before flying it into his mouth. He smiled.
"Does it taste nice baby?"
He nodded and clapped his hands together.
Isaac decided he wanted to feed himself.
"You gonna make a mess?"
He shook his head "no mummy"
"Okay" i gave him the spoon. Aaliyah looked over and wanted to feed herself aswell.
I poured them some water in their sippy cups and put it next to them. They seemed to be eating well without making mess so me and Jayden left them and went into the living room.
He look at me and i smiled. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. He kissed my lips and my hands went around his neck. Our mouths were just about to open when then twins called us. I smiled and pulled away.
We laughed and walked back into the kitchen.
"Loook i finish!" They both held up their empty bowls.
"Well done!" We both clapped for them. I took their bowls to put in the dishwasher and they drank their water. Jayden carried them out their high chairs.
"Nap time daddy?"
"Yes princess"
"Na-night" she yawned. Jayden bent down and she kissed his cheek.
She waddled over to me and i bent down and she kissed my cheek
"Na-night mummy"
"Night princess"
"Yes daddy?"
"Nap time"
"Night daddy, night mummy" we kissed his cheeks and took the twins upstairs to sleep.

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