Chapter 98

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Joanne's POV
I liked living with David a lot. Hes so nice and caring nothing like jay was. David is nice he doesn't abuse me or shout at me or anything that jay did to me. David is nice he actually loves me and doesn't just want me for my money. See i work for the primeminister soo.... I get money.
Emphasis on the money. Me and jay were going out for a long time. From when we were kids. He started losing interest in me but when i got my job, he started gaining interest. He only wanted me to get my money, to buy nice things and take out other girls behind my back. He thought i didnt know but i did. Everytime i asked him about it he beat me up. Later on i got pregnant. Ik Jay wasnt happy about it coz he wanted me to get an abortions. When i refused, he beat me up but then he said if it was a boy he would feel better. When he found out it was a girl, he beat me up. He hated Janelle from before she was born. She never had a chance to get on his good side. He didnt even come to the birth. He did nothing to help me out, that's why i havent had another baby. I wanted one but i didnt want jay to be the dad.
I had Janelle when i was 21 so I'm 46 now.
Am i too old to have another baby?

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