Chapter 596

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Isaac's POV
"Ahh ffs" i mumbled under my breath and left the room. I walked upstairs to my room and my phone started ringing.
"Hi babes"
"Whats wrong..?"
"If i get into 5 more fights i cant go prom"
Rhea gasped "omdz"
"Ahh baby, im sorry"
"Imma have to start going anger management again"


"So Isaac ... your parents have been telling me that you've been in a lot of fights lately"
"Whys that?"
"Because my sister was raped"
"Omdz, is she okay?"
I shrugged "shes fine i guess"
"Remember i told you about some boy called Andre?"
"Well his dad raped my sister"
I started to explain to her the whole Alex situation and how he wants to get with my mum
"Yhh and if i get in 5 more fights, i cant go prom"
"Oh no"
"And i cant let my girl go prom on her ones"
Zara nodded "that's true"
"But i cant control my anger when it comes to Andre. I don't like the way he speaks about my sister, especially after what happened"
"I understand what you mean but you cant solve your problems by fighting Isaac..."
"Yh ik that but its a reflex, i do it without thinking"
She nodded "well i think im gonna have to speak to your head teacher"
"About what?"
"Does your school know that you go anger management?"
I shrugged "but my english teacher hates me and my sister and she keeps telling me i need to go anger management which pisses me off even more"
"And whys that? You think shes being out of order?"
"Yes i do" i said looking out the window to the reception area. I spotted Rhea and my sister. I smiled at them and they smiled back at me.
I turned to face Zara again and she smiled at me
"Your girlfriend out there?"
"Yh and my twin sister"
"Oh i would love to meet her"
"Yh sure"
I went out and bought Rhea and Aaliyah in.
"Hi Zara" Rhea smiled
"Hi" she turned to Aaliyah "you must be Aaliyah"
She nodded
"Hii im Zara"
"Isaac speaks a lot about you two"
"All good things?" Aaliyah asked raising an eyebrow and turning to me
"Ofc ofc" I chuckled
Zara smiled "yhh all good things"

9weeks later ~~
Samantha's POV
Okay, today is my ultrasound scan and i can find out the gender of my baby. Im 16 weeks now.
Tiana and Kieran are having a boy, Richard and Rhianna are also having a boy and Rhys and India are having a girl. Now im really anxious to find out what im having. My appointment got delayed so i have to wait longer. I turned to Jayden and he held out his hand
I nodded "ready"
We said bye to the kids and jumped into the audi R8. We got it painted the other day and its not matte black with gold rims. I had to do hella photoshoots before my bump grew. Lool. My bump is quite big tbh.
When we got to the hospital, i was kinda shaking.
"Baby relax"
I slowly nodded and we checked in and took our seats
"Mr and Mrs Richardson Riley?"
I turned to Jayden and he took my hand we stood up and walked into the room.

If it's meant to beTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang