Chapter 247

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Sapphires POV
My baby is head over heels in love. Its so cute. But seeing her the way she is upsets me. Ik Jayden will speak to her soon she just has to give it some time. Every relationship has problems. There's not such thing as perfect. Jayden and Samantha's relationship is actually adorable. Ik that Jayden will always be there for her and protect her. That's a mans role. Like how Damien protects me.
"What you think about b?"
"Samantha and Jayden"
"What about them?"
"Cute couple"
"Think it will last?"
"Yep do you?"
"Yh" i said leaning my head on his chest. He started to kiss and suck my neck

Janelle's POV
I finished washing my hair and wrapped a towel around myself. I let my hair drip as i walked into the room. Jerome was on the phone.
"Yh just get it done please"
"Kl thanks. Later" he locked off.
I raised an eyebrow "whats all that about"
He smiled "your going to have to wait and see"
"Hmm" it wasnt my birthday, wasnt our anniversary, wasnt christmas and it wasn't valentines day. I wonder what its for"
He smiled and followed me into my closet. I creamed and put on one of his tops. I sat infront of my dressing table and looked into the mirror. He started blow drying my hair as i went on my phone. He finished drying it and i plugged in the straighteners.
"You better not burn my hair you know"
He laughed "i wont"
The straighteners beeped to say it was fully heated and i handed them to him. I dialled in Jayden and put on loud speaker.
"Hi Jayden"
"Hi son"
"Hi mum hi dad"
"You sound tired"
"Yh ive been playing football like everyday. But I've gotten better"
"Issit?!" Jerome said
"Don't sound so surprised dad" we laughed
"You enjoying it there?" He asked
"Yep its kl. i think i want to be a footballer now"
"Oooo okay"
"Good for you jayden. We miss you"
"I miss you too"
"Speak to you later"

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