Chapter 493

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Aaliyah's POV
Mum and dad gathered us all in the livingroom. Mum looked liked she'd been crying... so did dad...
Dad sighed "im gonna get straight to ther point..."
Mum squeezed on his hand
"My dad just died"
I instantly covered my mouth. My-my grandad died?
He's dead?
My eyes filled with tears and they started to stream down my face. We all got up and hugged eachother. Everyone in tears.
I sat on my bed and slumped back. I spoke to grandad yesterday. I smiled to myself. He was telling me how much i look like mum and dad. And he said he loves me and i was like, i love you too grandad.

Janelle's POV
They took his body away and i was just left. By myself. I layed on Jerome's side of the bed. It smells just like him. I smiled to myself as the tears streamed down my face. A couple minutes later, i got up and walked into Jerome's closet. At all his clothes. All his Shoes. His watched. Belts. Hats. All the clothes ive bought him. I walked to the back of the closet and looked at all the pictures of me and him.
My birthday
His birthday
Our wedding day...
I sighed. I went into my closet and sat with the bear he bought me on my 25th birthday. I smiled and snuggled with it. It smelt like Jerome...
The tears continued to stream down my face.
I looked down at my arms and saw all my scars. I thought of how Jerome stopped me from cutting. And how he comforted me.
I broke down even more.
I just want my baby back.

Aaron's POV
"Baby, please eat something"
She looked up at me, her eyes puffy and red. She slowly shook her head
"Im not hungry" she said quietly
I got into bed and sat next to her. She leaned her head on my shoulder and cried. I hugged her tight.
"Im so sorry baby" she slowly nodded
"Im sorry"

Isaac's POV
I sat on my bed. Wow. Idek what to say.
My phone started ringing. I looked at it. It was Rhea.
"Hey baby"
"... whats up?"
"Um... my grandad died"
She gasped "baby im so sorry!"
"Oh my- um, i guess i should leave you... I'll speak to you later"
I layed back on my bed. This is a lot to take in.

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