Chapter 199

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Jayden's POV
I had football training today. I went to my room and put on my kit then a tracksuit on top. I out on airforces them put my football boots in my bag. I cba to go training today but im the captain of the team so i guess i had to. I went into Samantha's room.
"Im going now b"
"Oh orite. Byee"
I kissed her
I went to justine's room.
"Where you going?"
"Oh okay byee"
I went downstairs and my mum dad Aunty and uncle were sitting in the living room.
"Want a lift"
"Why not"
My dad stood up and went to the door
"Bye guys"
I went and kissed my mums cheek and walked to the door.
We got into the car and he started to drive.
"So hows you and Samantha"
I smiled "good"
He looked at me "just good?"
I started smiling more. He started to laugh.
"Wht did that letter from your school say"
"I got a place in the sixth form"
"Oh well that was abit obvs"
I laughed
"Jayden your a smart kid"
"What do you want to be when you leave school?"
"Idek tbh"
"Well me and your mum are stock brokers"
"How much do you get paid"
He laughed "alot, how do you think we can pay for all the cars and the house etc"
"Mmm, dont you have another house that grandma and gran-, David, live in"
"Yh but theyre moving out soon but i don't want to sell it"
"Can i have it?"
"Why not, when you're 18"
"Its big though. Not as big as our house now. It has 6 bedrooms instead of 10"
"That's calm. Is there a pool?"
"Yh indoor and outdoor"
"Okay that's calm. Whatever i do for my birthday can i do it there?"
"Yh sure"
"Thanks dad" i said as he pulled up next to the training ground.
"Np, do you want to be picked up or are you going with Richard and dem?"
"I'll go with them"
"Kll see you later"
I walked onto the pitch and took my tracksuit off and put my boots on.
"Ahh Jayden, you kl?" Coach asked me
"Yhyh" i said spudding him. Everyone started to arrive. Coach threw me a ball, i bounced it of my chest, did some kick ups and kicked it up to my hands. He smiled
"Jog around" he blew his whistle.
I started jogging and Richard Kieran and Rhys came next to me.
"Why you been such a stranger lately?" Richard asked
"Yhh" Kieran added
"Well my sister tried to commit suicide the other day"
"Yh shes fine now though we spoke about it"
"...And I've been with Samantha"
"Ooo get in there"
"Manlike Jayden"
They all started laughing. I laughed and shook my head. Coach set up the cones near the goal. He blew the whistle and everyone gathered around.
"Dribble the ball in and out of the cones and shoot. Jayden demonstrate"
I walked up to the ball and dribbled it in and out of the cones and shot the call into the goal. I heard screaming and turned to the gate there were a group of girls ther laughing screamin and cheering. Wow.
I walked back up to coach. He had set up two of the drills at each end of the pitch. "Good Jayden. A team here, b team there" he blew the whistle.
I walked back to Richard Kieran and Rhys.
"You got some fans" Rhys laughed. I looked at the girls again
"Well..." i turned to coach carter "aye coach can i tell them to go away"
"Go on" he laughed.
I ran over to the gate. It was some people from my sisters year.
"Why are you here?"
"Free country" one of them said
"And we wanted to watch you"
"Umm... well your disturbing our training and -"
"Who are you to tell us to go?"
I laughed "the captain of the football team"
"Ooo manlike"
Just then my sister and Tina walked by"
"JAYDENE!" I shouted over to her. She ran up to the gate and walked onto the pitch and gave me a big hug.
"Hi, Jay"
"You okay?"
I looked over to Tina "hi Tina" she blushed instantly
"Hi Jayden"
"Is she your girlfriend?"
Me and Jaydene looked at eachother and started laughing
"hes my brother"
They looked so shock
"Why didnt u tell us?"
"Why does it matter?" She laughed
"Hes lengg." Some girl said to her. She turned to me "you're leng btw"
I laughed "bye girls". i gave my sister another hug.
"Byee Jayden" they all shouted after me. I jogged back to the boys and coach.
"Who are they?"
I told them what happened and they laughed.
"Someones got fans" they laughed.
"Well they can stay fans" i laughed.

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