Chapter 158

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Janelle's POV
Jayden and Samantha were down stairs with my mum and David and me and Jerome were wrapping presents. He calls David grandad. I dont think im ready to tell him about my dad yet. Hes too young to understand what he done to me anyway so I'll just leave it until hes about 13. Hopefully he understands and doesn't hate me for not telling him the truth.
"What you thinking about babe?"
"Jayden calls David grandad"
"Ohh i see"
"Im just going to tell him when hes about 13. Do you think that's okay?"
We wrapped the last of the presents in the superman wrapping paper and put them in one big bag.
"Wheres the pass the parcel presents b"
"In here" i said going to my closet. I bought out a bag with some sweets and small presents. We got the newspaper and started wrapping things with a little present on each layer. That took about and hour and a half then Jayden came running into the room.
"Mummy mummy mummy!!!! Daddy daddy daddy!!!"
We laughed at him "yes baby"
"Its my birthday tomorrow!!!!"
"Yes it is little man" Jerome said throwing him into the air and Jayden started laughing his arse off. I smiled. I love my babies.
"Jayden its nearly sleep time"
"But the quicker you go to bed, the quicker your birthday comes..."
"Oooo can i go sleep now? Please please pleasee"
"Well get ready to have a bath and I'll be there in a minute"
He ran out of the room to his. Jerome smiled at me. He took me by my hands and stood me up putting my arms around his neck. He took my arms and wrapped them around my waist and i instantly got butterflies. I leaned in for a kiss. He held me tight and our tongues started to dance. A thought came into my brain. No sex for 9 months. Fuck. Jerome pulled away and started to laugh.
"Ik what you're thinking"
"Ohh. Its not fair"
"Ik babe. We'll just have to take everything as it comes"
"Mmmhmm" i said pulling in for another kiss
"MUMMY COMEE!!" Jayden shouted from his bathroom. I pulled away and rested my head on Jerome's chest and laughed.
We walked out into his bathroom and he was playing around with his superman wash cloth in the bath. Im surprised he was able to set a bath without flooding the place.
"Baby, how do you know how to set a bath?"
"Yh" Jerome added
"I put the plug in. Then i turned on this tap." He said pointing to the hot water tap. "Then it was too hot so i turned on this tap" he said pointing to the cold tap" then i put some of this in it to get bubbles" he said pointing to the bubble bath "i watch you do it a lot"
"Arwh well done baby" he smiled "im going to get your pyjamas ready" i said walking out into his room. I walked into his closet and chose out his superman pyjamas. He actually loves superman. When him and Jerome came out of the bathroom we dried him and creamed him. We got him dressed and tucked him into bed. He yawned. "Goodnight mummy, goodnight daddy"
"Goodnight baby" i said kissing his cheek. He smiled
"Goodnight little man" Jerome said kissing his cheek. He pulled up his superman duvet and started falling asleep and with that we walked out of his room.

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