Chapter 414

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Aysia's POV
I've been trying to talk to Rio ever since he left the house but all he can do is air me. He can change his dp, change his pm, go on whatsapp, go on snapchat and not reply to my messages. Ik i might sound obsessed and all but all i want is for him to speak to me. Like i like him soooooo much and im not asking him to reciprocate the feeling or anything, i just want him to respect the way i feel. Coz if anyone else aired me i wouldn't give a flying fuck but because its him, it hurts.
Ive messages him 4 times now.
Me: hi
Me: hii
Me: hello
Me: Rioooooo

Hes read all for messages but wont reply to me. Hmmm. Lemme try once more

Me: Hey


Oh my fuck, he aired me again. Kmbct. Then he changes his pm to "ahh Jodi has mad banter =D"
I changed my pm to "ahh neitm now"
I locked my phone, dashed it on my night stand and went to sleep. I don't want to think about this anymore.

Aaliyah's POV
I sat up in bed replying to comments on insta, coz im nice like that and i get a ping from Tyrell. Hes toooo peng. I kinda have feelings for him. Im not sure.

Him: yo b
Me: heyy
Him: you kl?
Me: yh you?
Him: yh yh im good. You going to that party on saturday?
Me: idek are you?
Him: yh yh, you better come yakno

My thumbs danced over the keypad before i sent this message. I decided to send it

Me: I'll see what i can do x
Him: i hope to see you there x


Me: yhh x

*end of conversation*
I smiled to myself. I can tell im gonna end up catching feelings for him.

I got out of bed and went downstairs in my pyjamas. My mum dad and brother were in the living room.
"Yes princess?"
"Theres this party-"
He chuckled "no"
"No what?"
"You cant go"
"What? Why?!"
"Because i said so" he smiled
"Jayden you said Isaac can go" mum chimed in
"Daddy that's not fair!" I crossed my arms
"That's because im big people" Isaac said
"You're older than me by like minutes! What difference does it actually make?!"
"Well hes a boy-"
"Its not everyday be sexist dad"
"True" mum agreed
"I was going to say, hes a boy and he can look after himself"
"And what makes you think i cant?"
He shrugged
"Well Isaac's going to be there and Tyrell and Jordan are gonna be there" i argued
"Im sure she'll be fine" mum said
"Hmmm" he thought for a bit "you can go"
"Yessss!!!!" I gave him a big hug and kissed his cheek i went to mum and did the same
"Thanks guys" i said going back to my room.
I got back into my bed and went onto me and Tyrell's chat

Me: i can come to the party :D x
Him: good good x
Me: nightt x
Him: nightt x

I smiled and put my phone on the side and fell asleep.

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