Chapter 583

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Aaliyah's POV
So we were back at school this week and im kinda scared. Idk if people kno whats happened to me and i don't want to be treated differently because of it.
Dad dropped us off at school and we got out the car. Aysia went to find Rio and me and Isaac were walking. I stopped in the middle of the hallway. Oh no

Isaac's POV
I was confused as to why Aaliyah stopped but i looked up and saw Andre. My whole body tensed. If he knew how much i wanted to break his bones right now 😤
Aaliyah held onto my hand so i relaxed abit. We walked down the corridor
"Kl Aaliyah?"
"Erm-i... um-"
"Don't speak to her"
"Don't tell me what to do"
"Is me not breaking your nose not enough for you to understand to not talk to or about my sister?"
He kissed he teeth and walked off
"Hi Aaliyah, are you okay?" Miss Moss said
Aaliyah slowly nodded
"Can i speak to you in my office?"
Aaliyah looked up at me "can Isaac come?"
Miss looked at me and smiled "yh sure"
We walked to her office and both took a seat. She sat opposite by her desk
"You two really look alike"
I smiled "thanks"
Aaliyah slowly nodded
"Okay Aaliyah, i don't want to go into detail for your sake"
Aaliyah looked up at me
"But at anytime, if you feel uncomfortable, you can leave your lesson, or if your teacher is giving you a hard time? Okay?"
Aaliyah slowly nodded
"And im sure Isaac and Tyrell will take care of you"
Aaliyah smiled weakly and nodded again
"Miss i beg you talk to Andre"
"What now?"
"He doesn't seem to be getting the message"
"What message?"
"To not speak to or about my sister"
"His dad raped my sister."
Miss looked so shocked "really?!"
"Yes really"
Aaliyah looked down into her lap and a tear rolled from her face. She quickly wiped it away.
"Alex brown?"
"Yh. Basically miss, when my parents were younger, my mum use to date him, then he cheated and my mum got with my dad and ever since hes been tryna get her back. And hes a stalker, he followed us to Jamaica in the holidays"
"Wow" miss looked genuinely shocked
"Okay, I'll have a word with Andre. Im not sure he knows what his dad done..."
"Yh well his parents are divorced because his dad tried to get back with my mum and his wife found out..."
"Right okay. Well come to me if you need anything, alright?"
Aaliyah nodded again
We stood up and left the office. We walked down the corridor to registation and Aaliyah was sniffling.
I stood infront of her and gave her a big hug. She held me tight but i held her tighter
"Im so sorry Aaliyah"
She slowly nodded her head on my chest
But foreal tho, why does everything bad always happen to her?

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