Chapter 579

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Isaac's POV
Aaliyah was still in hospital and i had to go to school today. I was actually nitm so if anyone pisses me off today, theyre actually pissed

Aaliyah's POV
I sat up in the hospital bed. I cant sleep. Im actually scared to sleep and be by myself
Mum and dad walked back in with a bottle of water for me
"Thank you"
Someone walked in with Cheryl
"Okay Aaliyah, we want to ask you some more questions. Is that okay?"
I nodded and they took their seats.
"Can you describe to us what this man looks like?" The lady said opening up her laptop
"Um he has brown eyes. And i caramel skin tone. He has like a small Afro and a trimmed beard. Umm he had a small nose"
"Anything else?"
"Its okay if you don't remember" Cheryl reassured
"Um his lips were dark, he smelt like cigarettes"
Cheryl looked at the laptop screen "brilliant job Aaliyah"
I nodded
They turned the screen around but i didnt want to look
Mum and dad gasped
"Do you know him?"

Isaac's POV
Me Tyrell Jordan Rhea and Kasia were walking down the corridor
"Kl Isaac?"
I sighed "not today Andre man"
"Why did Aaliyah tell you abit our little session?"
Both me and Tyrell sent him one hard blow. I punched him in his neck and Tyrell punched him in his face. After what just happend to my sister, you cant even be talking like that.
Me and Tyrell actually beat the shit out of this boy. His nose started bleeding but i don't actually care we kept punching him and i kicked him in his stomach. I crowd started to form. He started coughing up blood but i still didnt care. I kept punching him and punching him but someone lifted me off him. The weights instructor, hes hench
"ENOUGH!" Miss Moss, the head teacher walked down the corridor.
"Isaac, Tyrell, my office NOW. Get him to the medical room"
We were in the heads office and i was pacing up and down the room
Miss Moss sat at her desk
"Isaac sit down"
"Don't fucking tell me to sit down"
"Excuse me?"
"Did i stutter? You heard me the first time"
She looked from me to Tyrell
"Why were you two fighting Andre?"
"He was chatting about my sister"
"And what does that have to do with you?"
"Shes my girlfriend"
"Right. What did he say"
"That he had a little session with her"
"And this is false"
"Ofc its fucking false!"
"Wheres your sister now"
"Whys tht?"
"Arghh ffs" i was getting mad
"Because she got fucking raped on her way home yesterday and then andre wants to chat shit about having sex with her!! Is he stupid?!"
"Right i understand why you're both so mad, but you guys beat him up bad"
"Ok. Who told him to speak about Aaliyah like that"
"Well i cant just let you off. Your both excluded for the rest of the week"
We both kissed our teeth and routed hospital

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