Chapter 244

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Samantha's POV
I woke up to my phone ringing. Jayden was facetiming me. I answered
"Morning beautiful" his morning voice is actually sexy
I rubbed my eye "morning baby"
"I miss you"
"I miss you too"
"Ahh i want to kiss you" he said eyeing my lips. I smiled
"I just want you tbh"
He bit his lip. "Mmmm"
"What yu thinking about"
"Doing you"
I laughed and looked down. He smiled.
"Are you okay tho?"
"Yh i just miss you"
"I miss you too"
"I feel like a piece of me is missing"
"Arwhh baby, i love you"
"I love you too"
"Did i wake you up?"
"Yh but it was worth it" i smiled. He winked at me
"I'll speak to you as soon as i get another chance yh?"
"You in my bed?" He said preeing the background
I smiled and looked down "mmmhmm"
"Coz this is as close im going to get to you right now"
"Arwh i love you so much beautiful"
"I love you too sexy" i smiled at him and he bit his lip.
"Talk soon yh?"
"Bye beautiful"
"Bye sexy"
I put my phone and the side and snuggled up under his duvet. He put me in a good mood for the rest of the day.

Janelle's POV
Jaydene went to Aaron's yard last night. Ik she didnt have sex because i asked her and i believe my daughter very much. Im glad shes happy with Aaron. Its the happiest ive seen her since... since she tried to kill herself. I've never forgotten that. My daughter was so upset that it went that far. It hurts me all the time. I went to her room and knocked on the door.
"Come in"
I walked in. She was tapping away on her phone.
I stood by her door. She smiled at me.
"You okay?"
"Yhhh" she sounds so happy which makes me happy. I smiled. My eyes opened wide as i noticed the marks on her neck. I cleared my throat.
"Yep" she said looking up from her phone
"Whats that?"
"What?" She said her eyes falling back to her phone.
"Your neck"
She traced her hand over her neck and smiled. "Nuin"
"Don't look like nothing" i raised an eyebrow.
"Theyre only love bites. You have them like everyday"
I laughed "im a lot older than you Jaydene"
"Well you don't look much older than me. You look like you could be my sister tbh"
I smiled " what can i say?" I said flicked my hair. We both laughed.
"Well im just glad that you're happy"
She smiled at me. "Me too. I havent felt this happy in such a long time"
I smiled back. Im so glad to see my baby come this far from what she once was.

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