Chapter 406

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Samantha's POV
We strapped Aysia into the back seat of the car and i drove to the nursery to pick the twins up.
I could feel Jayden smiling at me and im still mad at him but hes just making it hard for me
"Stop it"
"Staring at me"
He mumbled sumthing under his breath
"Not my fault you're beautiful"
I flicked my ponytail "thanks"
He chuckled.
I parked up the car and we got out the car with Aysia and the squad was just arriving. A parent was also walking toward us. She looks young and I've never actually seen her before. When she looked at us, it seemed like she nearly had a heart attack.
"O M G"
"Um hi"
"I love you're clothes"
I smiled "thanks"
She looked at the boys and gasped
"Hi" they smiled
"Omdz when i tell my boyfriend hes not gonna believe that i met you!" She smiled
"Can i get a picture with you guys?"
"Yh sure"
"You too Samantha"
Was kinda baffed as to how she knew my name but i remembered the whole clothing thing.
We took a picture and walked inside to get our children.
Isaac && Aaliyah caught our eyes
"Mummy daddy!!" They ran up to us and gave us a big hug.
"Hii babies"
"You have fun today?"
"Ready to go?"
They went to go get their things and came back to us. They said bye to everyone and we went back and strapped them into the car and started to drive home.
"What did you guys make today"
"I drew a picture of a pink castle where we all live and im a princess and so is Aysia and Isaac is a prince and daddy is king and mummy is queen" Aaliyah smiled holding up her drawing. I looked into the mirror and Jayden turned around to see her drawing.
"That's really pretty, princess" Jayden said
"Thank you"
"What bout you little man?" Jayden said.
"I drew a picture of a football match and daddy is scoring and hes with Kieran Rhys and Richard and me Aaliyah mummy and Aysia are in the crowd cheering for you" he held up his drawing.
"That's really nice baby"
"Thank you"
Moments later, we pulled up to the house and the kids ran straight inside. They left their lunch bags in the kitchen and went to go watch Mickey Mouse. I gave Aysia to Jayden and they followed me into the kitchen. I love seeing Aysia with Jayden. I think its so cute.
I looked into the kids lunch bag and Isaac hadn't eaten his apple.
"Isaac" i looked into the living room connected to the kitchen
"Yes mummy"
"Why didnt you eat you're apple?" I said emptying the rest of their things
"I didnt want it"
"Well you have to eat it now" i said washing it
"Fine" he sighed
I smiled and handed it to him and he went back to watch tv.
"Guys i got a present for you" Jayden said bouncing Aysia on the counter
"What is it?"
"Where is it?"
"In me and you're mum's room"
They got up and ran upstairs with us following behind them.
They looked around. Jayden handed me Aysia and went to get the shoe boxes back out.
When they saw the boxes they gasped
"You got us jordans!?"
Why do 2year olds even know the difference between brands.
They opened their boxes
"Ahh thank you daddy!" They gave him a big hug.
That sat on the floor and tried them on. I put mine on, so did Jayden and he put the baby ones on Aysia.
I smiled. I took my phone out and sat on Jayden's lap with Aysia on my lap and the twins sittin on the floor and took a picture of our feet and legs.
That is so cute.
I felt Jayden's piece get hard against my arse. I smiled and stood up handing Aysia back to Jayden before that situation escalated.
"What do you guys want for dinner"
"PIZZA!!!" They cheered
"Okay I'll order it now"
They went back downstairs.
I called dominos and ordered some pizza
Aysia started to cry abit.
"I think shes hungry"
I looked at the time "yhhh" i sat back on the bed and started to feed her.
Jayden was just staring at me.
I smiled "stop"
"I already told you i cant help it"
I smiled. I looked at Jayden's attire. He was wearing a black and red ralph polo.
"You look peng today"
He smiled "thanks, don't i look peng any other day?"
I giggled "you look sexy all the time b"
He came over and kissed my lips softly
"Thanks" he smiled
I looked down at Aysia and she was falling asleep. I sat her up and adjusted myself
"You wanna burp her?"
I gave him the towel and he room Aysia to burp her. When he did she fell asleep in his arms. I smiled
We went and put Aysia im her cot and left her to sleep. Just then the door knocked. Jayden took the pizza and paid the guy.
"Isaac Aaliyah wash you're hands"
I heard them run into the downstairs bathroom && wash their hands while me and Jayden washed ours in the kitchen. We sat down around the dining table and ate our pizza.

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