Chapter 73

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A couple months later ~~

Janelle's POV
A couple weeks ago i found out i was having a boy and i got a 3D ultrasound scan!!
I was so excited. Im 5months now and my bump has grown quite alot. I actually like my bump. It makes my back hurt though. Jerome and i had to go out so i could buy a whole new wardrobe. I normally just wore his tops around the house so it was okay.
Jerome has treated me really well, he gives me back massages and feet massages. It makes me more relax and releases pain.
Sapphire was 4months pregnant and shes having a baby girl. Its fun having a friend thts also pregnant. We go shopping together for maternity close and baby clothes. We hang out quite a lot now.
The texts from Jade have finally stopped, i guess shes finally got the message.

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