Chapter 36

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Janelle's POV

"So this is the room u and Damien will be staying in and your bathroom is through there"
"Ahh your house is very nice"
"Thank you"
"So are you and Jerome doing a ting then" she said following me to my room
"Nope. we got serious and we're going to get married. And im pregnant"
"Oh congrats, can i see your ring"
"Sure" i said holding out my hand
"Arwhh its so pretty"
"You're very pretty Janelle"
"So are you" i smiled.
We walked into me and Jerome's room
"Wow" she looked around
"This room is wow"
"Oh thanks" i said smiling
"Ive got xmas presents for you. Damien's previous girl was my day one and wen i wernt here she tried to kiss Jerome. Jerome and Damien are like brothers. So yh"
"Ooo kll" there was a pause
"You don't look pregnant"
"Oh im about 4-5 weeks"
"Ohhh. I want a baby and i want Damien to be the dad"
"Do you love him?"
"Yh i do. Im crazy about him. I wanted to move to him at the party but i didnt want to spoil what he had with Jade and im not about doing things like that"
"I respect that."
She smiled.
"So do you want a boy or a girl?"
"Idm tbh. I want a boy to look after his younger sister but i would love a girl all the same"
"Arwh that's sweet"
"Sapphire i can see a good friendship building here."
"So can i"
"JANELLE, SAPPHIRE" Jerome called up the stairs
" COMING" i called back
"I really like your teddy btw"
"Oh thanks, Jerome bought it for me"
We smiled and walked down the stairs.
"Aye we have to go now im taking you out" Damien said to Sapphire.
"Oh okay. Bye guys"
"Inna bit Jerome, bye Janelle"
"See you two later"
I shut the door behind them
"What do you think of them two" i said to Jerome
"Theyre in love"
"Like us"
"Our stage of love is unreachable babe"
He said winking at me
I smiled. "I love you"
"I love you too" he came over to me and started nibbling on my ear lobe. I liked when he did that
"Ik b"
I smiled again. I started getting butterflies in my stomach. I feel all thick around my stomach. Fat.
"Babe do a look fat?"
"Your ass is fat" he said slapping my behind. I giggled
"No i mean around my middle, do i look bigger?"
"Babe, your pregnant your going to get bigger"
"Hm true i just feel quite fat"
"Well you look beautiful to me" i kissed his cheek he was always so kind to me
"So what we eating then beautiful?"
"Domino's pizza" i said smiling

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