Chapter 598

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Aaliyah's POV
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Me and Aysia started screaming bare. Mum laughed and snapped us while Isaac and dad covered their ears.
We made snaps lettin people know the good news. Im acc so happy. Mum gave us the ultrasound scan pictures. Arwhhh bless

Aysia's POV
Im so happy
I cant wait to have kids of my own
I cant wait until mum gives birth
*😳😳😳* gonna be so cute
Having *😳😳😳* run around the house is gonna be so LIVE

Isaac's POV
Im actually happy. I didnt mind if they were having a girl or a boy, twins or triplets. Obvs im an amazing big brother anyways and I'll just have to continue that now 💁
I love all my sisters now and I'll continue to love the *😳😳😳* that's on the way. I actually cant wait for my mum to give birth

Samantha's POV
Me and Jayden called our parents to tell them the good news. We locked off and sat down on the sofa together in our room.
Jayden looked deep in thought
"What you thinking about baby?"
"Hm? Nothing"
"Tell me" i said sitting on his lap facing him.
He smiled and i smiled back
"I just wish my dad was here to see our new *😳😳😳*
So *😳😳😳* can get to kno him and grow up with him you know. Like the kids had a great bond with my dad and its a shame that our new *😳😳😳* wont be able to get that"
I leaned in and kissed his lips softly. Our tongues moved together and he held my arse and i held the sides of his face
"Ik baby" i leaned my forehead on his
He started sucking on my neck
"Jaydennn..." i slyly moaned
He started getting harder than he already was and pushed me downs so his dick was touching my arse more.
I gave in and started grinding on him and giving him a lap dance
"Mmmm" his eyes rolled back abit
"Do you like that Jayden?"
I smiled, hes so sexy
There was knocking on the door. I quickly rolled off Jayden's lap and went on my phone like nothing happened
"Come in"
Isaac walked in "you guys hungry? I cooked 😌"
"And the house is still standing?!" Jayden raised an eyebrow
"Ha ha ha, very funny" he smiled and i started to laugh
We stood up and walked downstairs
"You gonna cook for your new *😳😳😳* ?"
He smiled "yh ofc"
"Aye Isaac you can cook" Aysia said
"Thanks 💁"
"Learnt from the best💁💁" both me and Jayden said
We all started laughing
"I really want starbucks..."
"Starbucks aint open b"
"Argh, i really want it"
"Sorry babes, gonna have to wait until tomorrow"
I really want starbucks...
Me and Jayden layed back in bed
"Mmm?" He said playing with my hair
I smiled "can we go out?"
"Just the two of us?"
"Sure we can, what do you want to do?"
"Alright, I'll sort something out" he winked at me
I smiled and kissed his lips
"Night baby"
"Night beautiful"

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