Chapter 606

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Samantha's POV.
I woke up this morning, well around 11:00. Jayden wasnt here. Are you being serious? Its christmas morning. Are you being serious. I sighed and then the bathroom door opened. Phew
"Merry christmas beautiful"
I examined his body. Mmm his packs 😍
I smiled "merry christmas sexy"
He leaned down and kissed me then went to put some clothes on
I made a quick phone call to get Jayden's present. They said it should he here in the next hour or 2hours. Calm
I got up and went to do my own hygiene.
We were all in the living opening presents and that. Everyone seemed to be really happy with their presents especially the kids.
"Mum wheres the present you got mum?"
"Yh and dad, what did you get mum?"
Jayden smiled as i looked up from my phone
"Oh i hid your present in the garage so you wouldn't find it"
"Come then"
We all got up and walked to the garage
"Omdz baby, i love you"
I handed him the car keys to his new Maybach
"Oh this car is penggg" Isaac said going up to it.
Everyone went and looked at the car and i stood by the door.
Jayden walked back up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist
"Thank you baby, i love it" he smiled them kissed my lips
"Im glad you like it" i smiled at

Jayden's POV
"Dad wheres mums present?" Aysia asked
"Well we have to drive to get it"
"Come then" Kieran said
I tapped the address into everyones gps and we all drove there. I drove my new car
When we got close i started to speak, it was only like a 10minute drive
"So babes, you was wondering where ive been going in the morning" i said turning round the corner
"Well... put this on"
"Seriously Jay?"
"Yes seriously"
"Okay..." she put the blindfold on
"Kids when you see it, don't react, orite?"
"You're making me anxious..."
I chuckled and parked up, all the other cars behind me
We got out the car and i helped Samantha out. The kids looked shocked.
"Walk forward b" i said holding her hand
We stopped walking
"Jayden i want to seeeee" she whined
I pulled off her blindfold "merry christmas baby"
She gasped and covered her mouth "oh my gosh"
She walked forward
"I-is this ours?"
I nodded my head
"Oh my gosh baby" she gave me a big hug and i spun her around
"ahh Iloveyou"

Aaliyah's POV
Im sorry but i had to snap this. This is like the best christmas present in the history of presents.
This new house is fucking sexy and its HUGEEEEEE. Like it is MASSIVE
Dad handed mum the keys to the house and we all walked in
This house is beautiful 😩😩
Mum and dad walked ahead but i heard there convo
"Yh so this is why i was out so much and on my phone a lot. Sharon helped me design all the rooms"
"Sharon knew?!"
"And all the rooms are decorated"
"Yep, i don't need you stressing over decorating b, you're my wife, and you're preggers"
Mum kissed his cheek as we walked up the long staircase
"Aysia this is your room" dad said stopping at a door
Aysia walked in "oh my days, its beautiful"
Her room is HUGEEEE shit man
She had a beautiful bed with a canopy and everything
Obvs all the bedrooms were ensuite and her closet was sooo big. I cant wait to see my room now. This is what the house consisted of;
There was obvs the garage then,
On the ground floor there is an open plan living room and kitchen 3 more living rooms. 2 other kitchens. A toilet and a games room. 2 dining rooms, a LARGE one and a smaller one. A cloak room theres also a pantry in each kitchen the laundry room
Below that there is a swimming pool and a spa, including sauna and steam room. Theres a hotub and jacuzzi and theres the gym and the weights room
On this floor, the first floor are a bunch of guest rooms, three of them will be the triplets' rooms soon, and a kitchen
On the second floor in what dad likes to call the "east wing" is Aysia's room. And in the "west wing" is my room
My room 😍😍😍 is sexy man. It is HUGEEEEEE. My bed looks so comfortable and my closet is now double the size. My carpet is like the softest and my bathroom is peng
On the next floor was Isaac's bedroom, his room was peng negl and he has his on gym. Wtf does he need his own gym for 😂? His gym has a weights room aswell, like dafuqq
This floor also had guest rooms and there was also a games room on this floor
On the next floor in the "east wing" was the cinema room with HELLA seats and a BIG screen TV
there was also an arcade on this floor. Woah
I wasn't expecting anything like this
The next floor was mum and dads floor. This consisted of the nursery, which was beautifully designed, an office, a study, a lounging room there was also a room which looked like an art room. It had a desk with hella sketch pads around the walls and shelves for mums portfolios. She was inlove with this room. But their bedroom was A1 😩😍
Their bed just looked the comfiest and it was just so massive and looked so pretty
"Dad isnt mum gonna get tired walking up here all the time coz shes pregnant?"
"Yh that's why theres a lift"
I smiled and everyone started to chuckle.
He really did think of everything
After we finished inspecting the whole house everyone went back downstairs, ready to leave. My parents stayed upstairs

Jayden's POV
Samantha seemed to really like the house and that's what i was aiming for. Im glad the kids like it aswell.
Samantha sniffed
"Babes, whats wrong?"
She turned to me and shook her head
"Tell me" i walked up to her
"Jayden, i love it"
I smiled "im glad you do, you designed this house"
"Did i?"
"Yh don't you remember, years and years and years ago you drew it and you told me about it and said it was your dream house..? Thts when it started getting built, i just never told you"
She pulled me in for a big hug
"Jayden you're the best" she said in my chest
"Id do anything for you beautiful"
She kissed my lips and then we walked downstairs to everybody else
"Dad why this house?" Aysia asked
"You're mum designed it ages ago, she don't remember though. She told me it was her dream house so i took the sketch wen got it built without you guys knowing"
"Arwhh that's cute"
i smiled and so did Samantha
"Yh it really is"

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