Chapter 396

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Jayden's POV
When we got home, Samantha went straight upstairs to the bathroom. I sighed. It breaks my heart that we lost the baby and ik Samantha is blaming this on herself despite what the doctor said. Im just gonna give her some space. I don't want to make her feel any worse.
I text the squad letting them know what happened because if one of them ask Samantha how the scan went, ik she will just break down.
I got into the car and drove to our parents' house to pick up the twins.
Sarah opened the door.
"Hii Jayden" she smiled
"Your sisters are here"
"Ohh kll. You're my sister aswell you know"
She smiled and gave me a hug.
I walked into the living room.
"Daddy!!!" The twins ran up to me and hugged my legs. I picked them up and kissed both their cheeks.
"Hi Jay, wheres Samantha?"
I sighed and sat on the sofa
"We went to the ultrasound scan today"
"She miscarried"
They all gasped "oh my gosh"
I sighed again "ik"
"Is she okay?" Her mum asked
I shook my head
"Well i think you should get back to her" my mum said
"Yh" Samantha's dad agreed
I stood up "well see you later guys"
"Isaac, Aaliyah say byee"
They waved their hands "ba-byee"
I smiled and walked out of the house. I strapped the twins into their car seats and started driving.
I looked into the mirror "yes princess?"
"Wa'er pwease"
"Can you wait till we get home?"
She started gurgling and making noises so I'll just take that as a yes. I smiled and continued to drive.
I pulled up to the house and parked the car. I took the twins out and held their hands and walked into the house. They went into the living room where Samantha was. She was sitting cross legged on the sofa with a cup of tea. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing one of my white tops and grey tracksuit bottoms. She looked so upset.
"Mummy!!!" They ran over to her. She places her mug on the table and faked a smiled. She kissed both of their cheeks.
"Wa'er pwease mummy" Aaliyah clapped her hands
"I'll get it Aaliyah"
The twins followed me into the kitchen. I got their sippy cups and poured some water in them.
"Thank you daddy"
I smiled "you're welcome"
Aaliyah handed her cup to me and yawned.
"Nap time?"
She held out her arms to be picked up and i lifted her and Isaac. I went to the living room doorway
"Say night mummy"
"Na-night mummy"
Samantha blew kisses at them and i took them upstairs. I layed them in their beds & kissed their foreheads
"Na-night daddy"
"Na-night daddy"
"Night babies"
I went back downstairs to the living room. Samantha sipped her tea as a tear rolled down her face.
She looked over to me
"Come 'ere" i held out my arms. She got up and hugged me tight and i hugged her tighter.
She looked up at me and i wiped her tears.
"I love you beautiful"
"I love you too"
I pulled her in for the most passionate kiss
"Remember baby-"
"We can always try for another one" i winked at her and she giggled. I smiled im glad i made her happy again.

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