Chapter 453

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Aaliyah's POV.
My eyes watered as me Aysia and Isaac walked into the hospital room.
Dad was by mums side holding her hand. He looked hella upset. Mum looked in so much pain. Tears rolled down my eyes as i went to stand by mum and held her hand. She groaned and turned her head to face us.
"Mummy..." Tears carried on to stream down my face
She squeezed my hand "im okay baby"

Isaac's POV
I looked from mum then out the window of he room.
"Whats he doing here?"
"Who?" Aysia asked
Dad looked right out to see him. He looked back down and Alex walked in.
"Oh my gosh Samantha, are you okay?"
I looked at dad then Aysia the Aaliyah then mum.
"Im fine thanks."
"Um, why you here?" I asked
Dad tried to hide the smirk on his face.
"Um i was in the car behind your mum so i called the ambulance"
"So you were stalking her?" Aaliyah asked
"I hope you get better soon" he turned to mum. He leaned down about to kiss her but dad put his arm out.
"Woah" i was shocked
"Um i think you're going abit too far" Aaliyah said
"You know like that" Aysia added "don't you have a wife"
"Does she know you're here?"
He didnt say anything
"I didnt think so either" i said
"Yh, don't kiss my wife"
"Don't you rememeber, i was dating her before you"
I saw the anger grow in dads face. He looked like he was gonna wrap Alex.
"Yes and she locked it did she not?"
He kept quiet
"Okay then"
"Yh well she still loves me"
Dad looked hella angry. His fist clenched.
"Pardon?" Mum butted in
"You still love me" he smiled
"No she don't" me Aaliyah and Aysia said
"No i don't" mum looked baffed "i love Jayden. Hes my husband. I love my kids. Alex, i left you ages ago. Why cant you acknowledge that?"
"Ik you still love me"
"Shut. Up" dads fists clenched. Ive actually never seen him this angry before.

Samantha's POV
Just then the squad walked in with all their kids.
Kieran looked at Jayden who looked so pissed. Like ive never seen him the angry. Well not since the last time he had a fight with Alex.
"Um Alex i really think you should leave" Kieran said
"Same" Richard and Rhys agrees.
Alex looked at me once more and them left.
I was in so much pain. My leg and back was killing and my head was banging.
"Sam are you okay?" Tia asked
"Im fine" i smiled
Me and Jayden's parents walked in. My mum gasped and started to cry
"Mum im fine" she held her hand
A doctor walked in with a clipboard.
"Okay Samantha, no damage has been done to your back however you have a broken leg do we need to take you to get fitted for a cast soon okay?"
Mum sighed "yh okay. How long will i have it for?
"6weeks and them you get a new one so you can go physio"
"Ahh okay"
The doctor left and mum turned to India
"India seeing as you're my lawyer, i want compensation for this accident"
India smiled "done"

If it's meant to beDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora