Chapter 600

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Samantha's POV
I woke up this morning and Jayden wasn't even here. Hmm, im all by myself so i just went back to sleep.
I woke up again and now it was about 12 so i got up and went to do my hygiene. Im not planning on going anywhere so i went into Jayden's closet, creamed myself, put on a pair of his boxers and took a plain tshirt and went back to my own closet. I put on a bra and fluffy socks then pulled Jayden's tshirt on. I tied my hair up into a pony tail. I look hella grubby but oh wells. I took a quick picture on sc caption: grubby days 😴
I went downstairs to the kitchen. I was hella hungry. I took some chicken from yday, cut it up and made a chicken Caesar salad sandwich.
I checked my phone to see if Jayden has tried to contact me but he hasnt. Hmm
The door unlocked and i got hella excited thinking it was Jayden but it was Aysia
"Hey mum"
"Hii, where d'you get that hoody from?" She had on a black ralph hoody with the red stitching and a red 3 on the arm. It was really big for her
"Rio gave it to me" she smiled twisting her hips
"Arwh bless" i smiled
"Where's dad?"
"Umm... idk, i think he went out to get something"
"Oh kll"
Just then Aaliyah and Isaac walked in
"Hey mum"
"hey guys, how was the party"
"Livee" Aaliyah smiled
"Good good"
Isaac looked over to Aysia
"Where did you get that from?"
"Rio" she smiled. Bless shes so cute
I giggled "Isaac your job as a big brother is gonna get 3 times bigger"
He smiled "yep"
Aysia and Aaliyah laughed
"Wheres dad?" Aaliyah asked
I shrugged "think he went out to get something"
"Oh okay"
"Mum i need a new winter jacket"
"... okay why you telling me?"
"Can you buy me one please?" Aaliyah smiled
"Yh sure, what type of coat do you want"
"Superdry" they all said
"Okay, is that all?"
"We can get 2?"
"If you want" i shrugged
"Oh, well can i get the superdry one and the Riley one with the belt. The black one?" Aaliyah asked
"Yh sure"
"Can i get a the same as Aaliyah but the Riley one in grey?"
"Yh, Isaac?"
"Superdry one and any Riley one you think i should get"
"Thanks mum" they all said leaving the room
"Np" i called after them as i started ordering their jackets on my phone. Im going to pick the Riley jackets up in store because obviously i can get them for free. I was actually feeling really tired so i went upstairs to go back to sleep.
Aaliyah's POV
"Hi daddy"
"Hey princess" he leaned down and kissed my cheek "how was the party"
I smiled "really good actually"
"Good good, wheres your mum?"
"I think she went back to sleep"
"Oh okay"
"Where were you?"
He chuckled "you're asking a big person big people questions"
I giggled "just wondering" i shrugged
"I was sorting something out"
"Oh okay"
And with that he left

Jayden's POV
I went upstairs into the room to see Samantha laying ontop of the duvet in my tshirt and boxers. I smiled and leaned down to kiss her cheek.
She wriggled around abit and then sat up
She looked at her phone. Its like 2, 3 o'clock
"Where were you?"

Samantha's POV
"Just sorting out some business" he looked away
I slowly nodded my head "okay"
He smiled and leaned into kiss my lips.
Hmmm hes hiding something from me

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