Chapter 150

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1 year later ~~
(Janelle and Jerome and Sapphire and Damien have been married)
Janelle's POV
"Mummy i thirsty"
"Come get some water baby"
"Don't like water mummy"
"Its good for you"
Jerome came into the kitchen
"Whats up little man?"
"Mummy wont give me juice" he said crossing his arms
"And whys that?"
"She said water is good for me"
"It is"
"I dont like it"
"Can you drink some? For me?"
"Okay. Mummy can i have water pwease"
I smiled and got his sippy cup. He drank the water and put the cup on the table.
"Thank you mummy"
"Your welcome"
Just than Samantha waddled into the room.
"Jaydennn" she said tugging at his arm
"Come playyy with meeee"
"Okay" and they ran out the kitchen.
I sat down at the table. I looked up and Jerome was staring at me.
I smiled at him and he came and sat next to me.
"You orite babe?"
"Just abit tired"
"Go sleep b"
I got up and he swept me off my feet. I smiled at him and he smiled at me. He carried me up the stairs and into the room. He tucked me into bed and kissed me. That kiss nearly turned into sex but i can control myself ;).

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