Chapter 387

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Jayden's POV
I could hear the twins crying on the walkie talkie monitor thing. I got out of bed and went to see whats up. I didnt want to disturb Samantha.
When i went into the nursery, the twins were crying abit and wriggling around in their cots. I picked up Isaac and put him in the playpen with some toys. I took Aaliyah to the changing mat. I kissed her forehead.
"Relax baby"
I took off her onesie and then her nappy.
"Aaliyah did yu leave daddy a present?"
She started to gurgle and i smiled.
I wiped her and powdered her and put a new nappy on her.
She smiled. I started to spin her around, she giggled hysterically and i put her in the playpen. I picked up Isaac and placed him on the changing mat. I kissed his forehead. "Did you leave daddy a present aswell?"
He started to gurgle as i changed his nappy.
When i finished, i placed him in the playpen with Aaliyah and they started to play together with the toys. I smiled.
I went downstairs to the fridge and took out two bottle of milk Samantha had pumped out. I warmed them up in the microwave.
I squeezed some on my wrist to check the temperature and it seemed calm. I went upstairs to the twins. I picked them up and went to me and Samantha's room. Samantha was just waking up.
"Morning beautiful"
I kissed her cheek and she took Isaac from me.
"Morning baby"
I gave her a bottle and she started to feed Isaac.
"Did daddy change your smelly nappy baby?"
I smiled and isaac started to gurgle. I love my family.

Jaydene's POV
I've been organising this wedding and it seems like its going to be perfect. The sketches of my dress look amazing and i wanna show Aaron so bad but i cant.
"Why so smiley?" Aaron walked into the living room.
I smiled up at him "coz this wedding is going to be beautiful" i stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck
He kissed my lips "Im sure it is baby"

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