Chapter 374

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Jaydene's POV
I had to get Aaron to drive. I couldn't stop looking at my new ring. This time it was for a queen and not a princess. Im still keeping the promise ring though. Im going to put it on a necklace. My eyes were still watering. I don't think anyone knows how happy i am.
Aaron smiled at me.
"You okay beautiful?"
I nodded and smiled as tears rolled down my face
He chuckled "stop crying b"
"Im too happy. I didnt think i would ever make it this far in my life coz yukno... and the fact that i get to share the rest of my life with you just makes me so happy because you've always Been there for me. You've helped me through so much and idk what i would do without you baby"
"I love you Jaydene" he said pulling up to my parents' house
"I love you too Aaron"
He turned to faced me and i pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
We got out the car and walked to the door. I knocked and Justine answered.
"Happy birthday!" She said giving me a big hug
"You look like you've been crying"
I nodded
"Coz im getting married" i said holding out my hand
I smiled and so did Aaron
My parents came rushing to the door
"Whats all the screaming about?"
"Shes getting married!!!"
They looked up at me
"Congratulations!!" My mum gave me a big hug and my dad gave Aaron a man hug and then he came to hug me and my mum hugged Aaron
"Im happy for you guys"
"Thank you"
"Are you staying"
"Nahh i want to go and see Jayden"
They smiled "okay happy birthday and congrats!" They said as we walked away from the door
"Thank you"

I knocked on Jayden's door and he came and answered.
"Happy birthday" he gave me a hug.
"Kl Aaron?"
Samantha came to the door shortly after
She smiled "ikr"
"How far are you?"
"6 months. You guys want to come in?"
"Oh we're not staying for long i just wanted to show you something"
"What?" Jayden prompted
I held out my hand "im getting married" i smiled and so did Aaron
"Arwhh its beautiful"
She gave me a hug then Aaron
"Congratulations guys" Jayden hugged me then gave Aaron a man hug
"Thank you"
"See you later"
"Oh Jayden do you like my new car?" I smiled
He chuckled "yh i do"
"Thanks" i flicked my hair
We got in the car and drove home.

Jayden's POV
I smiled im so happy for my sister. Ive only ever wanted her to be happy and she is.
"Yh?" He replied walking into the living room
"Our children are awake"
He smiled and sat on the sofa. He patted his legs indicating me to sit on his lap. I sat, and he put his arms around me placing his hands on my stomach. I shook abit
"Whats up?"
"You still give me butterflies"
He kissed my neck and i smiled
"Do these little ones know that they are hurting me"
He chuckled "they want to come out and see us baby"
"Well theyre 3 months early. Are they even meant to be moving this much?" I asked
He shrugged "well you are carrying twins so you get like double the moment"
"Mmm" i said moving to sit next to him. I put a hand to my stomach.
"You nervous about giving birth?"
"Well for starters, its going to be very painful and like a lot of things could go wrong" i rubbed my stomach
"Well yh, but im going to be with you the whole way. Nothing bad is going to happen. You have to think positive baby"
I kissed his lips and he smiled at me.
"I really like your top"
I smiled "thanks"
I was wearing a baby on board top that i designed as part of my maternity line. I was wearing a xtra large one though and some jogging bottoms.
I leaned my head on Jayden's shoulder. I've been hella tired lately.
"You tired"
I nodded
"Bed time" he stood up
"I cba to go upstairs"
"Well do you want to carry yourself and two babies up those stairs"
He chuckled "I'll carry you"
I raised an eyebrow "do you know how fat i am? You cant carry me"
He chuckled again "you're not fat baby, you're pregnant and ofc i can carry you"
"You cant"
"Wanna bet?"
"Hmm. No not really"
He laughed and picked me up bridal style and walked toward the stairs
"Told you" he said walking up
I smiled and rolled my eyes.
He layed me on the bed and pulled my bottoms off and fixed my pillows. He put my hair into a pony tail and i layed down. He stripped to his boxers and got into bed behind me. He wrapped his arms around me
"Goodnight beautiful" he kissed my forehead
"Goodnight baby"

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