Chapter 489

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Aaliyah's POV.
I pulled away and looked up into his eyes. Ahh his lips are the softest. I looked down
I looked back up
"Will you take me back?"
My eyes started to sting and my eyes watered. I slowly shook my head making the tears roll down my face.
He sighed
"Tyrell, i-i still love you. Like i really do love you with all my heart but, my heart is broken and idk if i can take you back right now"
He slowly nodded before kissing my lips once more and walking away. The bell went for the end of lunch. I had to go to the trampolining competition now. I walked slowly to the pe department. When i got there Rhea was already there. She came straight over to me.
"Whats wrong?"
I told her everything.
"Oww" she gave me a hug "will you ever take him back"
I slowly nodded "probably, i still really love him"
She nodded.
We got changed into our kits and tied out hairs into pony tails with blue ribbon. The competition was being held at our school. Hopefully we win.

Tyrell's POV
I sighed and sat down in spanish. I wasnt even paying attention to anything that was happening.
I looked up at the teacher. "What?"
I kissed my teeth "what do you want?"
"Don't speak to me with that type of attitude, if you're having problems, i don't want it to be reflected in the way you speak to me"
I kissed my teeth and rolled my eyes "don't speak to me then. Problem solved" i shrugged
I got the look "detention"
I shrugged "im not coming"
"are you sure?"
A couple people started to laugh like say i bussed any joke. I just rolled my eyes and went back to my own thoughts. I really want Aaliyah. I need her. I love her.

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