Chapter 188

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Jayden's POV
School was calm today. The usual stuff, tests mainly. Prom tickets were out today.
I got home, showered and put on a duffer tracksuit. I went to my dad.
"Can we go now?"
"Yh come on"
We walked outside
"What car?" He asked
"Which one"
We got into the car and he started to drive.
"So what do you want to buy exactly?"
"A necklace, with a heart on it or something"
"Ohh orite. Gold or silver"
I thought for a moment. "What do you think i should get?"
Couple minutes we pulled up to this shopping centre. We got out the car and i followed my dad in. We went upstairs and he walked into the jewellery shop. Everything was so beautiful and would look amazing on Samantha. I walked around. I necklace caught my eye. It was an angel and the body was one of the infinity hearts with diamonds on it.
"This one" i said looking to my dad
"Good choice" he smiled.
The lady came over.
"Can i get this one please"
She looked at the number.
She went to the back and came out with a box. I put my card into the thing and paid for it.
"Dad i need a tux for prom"
"Ohh yhh"
"Can we get it now"
We walked into some store full of suits and stuff"
I looked at one. I didnt want a black one coz most people would wear that. I dont want a white one coz I'll get tk dirty so i was looking for a grey or blue one. I found a grey one that looked calm.
"This one"
"Try it on"
I took my size and went to the changing room. When u put it on i looked in the mirror and smiled. I make this tux look peng if i do say so myself. I walked out and my dad smiled at me.
"You look so smart. "
"Do you want to try anothe one or do you want this one?"
"This one"
I went into the changing room and put back on my tracksuit. I walked out and we went to the cashier. Dad said he was paying for this and i had no arguments so i let him. We got back in the car and drove home.

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