Chapter 602

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Samantha's POV
Another morning. Jayden's not here again. And tbh, its really breaking my heart. Why does he keep leaving me? I get up to do my hygiene and get dressed. I go downstairs into the study and check my email. My maternity line is ready and in store now. I don't have to model it because i bought out a maternity line already, theyre just adding to it.
That's good because im not in the mood to model anyways. I started online shopping for some christmas presents, i put on my glasses.
For The kids im gonna get them some new huaraches air max 90, 95 and 110s, tracksuits, hella clothes. For the girls im gonna also get them some nail varnish stuff, perfume, clear mascara and eyebrow pencils. For Isaac im gonna get him some cologne and Riley Gucci Louis and Hermes belts.
I typed in me and Jayden's debit card details and ordered their things. Me and Jayden have a shared account and we also have personal ones
Hmmm what should i get Jayden
The door unlocked and Jayden walked into the study. How did he know i was in here?
"Hey baby"
"Hey, where were you?"
"Tattoo shop"
He smiled "yes really"
"What you get?"
He lifted up his shirt and i pree'd his 8pack mmm 😍
But then he turned tho the side and going down his side was the most beautiful tattoo ever 😩😩
"Arwhhhh baby" i stood up and went to look at it more
It was me and the kids name in beautiful calligraphy going down the side with hearts next to it. It actually looks really nice
"You like?"
"Good" he kissed my lips and i smiled.
We snapped the tattoos and put them on insta aswell.
He pulled me in for another kiss
I actually love him so much
But this tattoo don't explain where hes been going for the last couple of days

Jayden's POV
Ive gotten away with it by using the tattoos
Ratings to that idea. Im so smart

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