Chapter 48

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Jerome and i were sitting on the sofa next to eachother watching tv. He kept getting whatsapp messages but i waved it off thinking its probably Damien.
"Whos that?" I asked
"Some girl"
"Girl?" My heart dropped
I slyly looked over to his phone and saw bare x's and kiss faces and i started getting mad. He saw me looking.
"Janelle its not -"
I got up and ran into the spare room and locked the door behind me and burst into tears. I heard Jerome run up the stairs
"Baby, open the door" he said banging on the door
"Let me explain"
"Its not what it looks like"
"Please let me explain"
He said the same thing over and over
I sat behind the door crying. I felt my heart breaking in my chest.
I went into the bathroom and got a razor and started cutting my wrist. I started crying harder.
Jerome started banging on the door again. "Babe are you cutting? Please don't. Babe?"
I ignored him and carried on.
How comes i wasnt good enough for anyone?

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