Chapter 226

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Justine's POV
I've been on the phone to Darnell for about 3 hours. We've fully made up now and now he just has to talk to Lisa. I never knew how funny he was.
"Argh baby, Lisa's here"
"Oww, you gonna call me when shes gone?"
"Yh. Im gonna tell her we cant keep doing this"
He laughed
"Love yu"
"Love you too"
I locked off

Darnell's POV
I went downstairs to open the door to Lisa.
"Hey Ba-"
"We need to speak"
"Oh okay" she said walking to the living room. She sat on the sofa and i sat on the one opposite her.
"Whatsup b"
"I cant keep doing this"
"What do you mean" she said sitting up more
"You know how i feel about justine, i cant keep pretending"
"Ffs why not"
"Because im falling in love with her"
"So you've been talking to her"
"Yh why not"
"But your going out with me how can you entertain another girl"
"Wait" i laughed "when did i actually ask you out?"
She didnt say anything
"Exactly" i stood up "whatever you think is going on between us is done"
"Argh why do u have to let her get what she wants"
"Its what i want aswell"
"whatever Darnell" she said walking towards the door
"Bye" i smiled shutting the door behind her. I dialled in Justine.

Justine's POV
I woke up to my phone ringing. I was so tired and i actually got some decent sleep in last couple of days. I put my headphones in and answered the phone.
"Hello?" I yawned sitting up
"Did i wake yu up?"
"Oh sorry i can call back if-"
"No its okay. I want to speak to you"
He told me what happened with him and Lisa and that made me smile.
"Do you want to come over?" He asked me
"Now" i could hear the smile on his face
"Like right now?"
"Right now"
"Oh okay I'll get my dad to drop me I'll message you when im on my way"
"Okay b see yu later"
I ran downstairs to my parents who were watching a movie.
"Dad can i go to Darnell's house"
"Right now"
"Oh" he looked at my mum. She nodded
"Sure, I'll drop yu"
I ran back upstairs to get ready. I put on grey leggings and a white vest top with a long necklace and a black jersey. I put on my black air forces and looked at my hair. I really cba so i just brushed it into a ponytail. I went downstairs to see my dad putting on his trainers.
"Ready?" He asked
Mum walked into the hallway
"Bye mum" i said kissing her cheek
"Bye, have fun and be good"
"Bye babe" my dad said wrapping his arms around my mum. They started making out. I shivered.
"Eww. Guys im standing right here"
They turned to look at me and laughed.
And we left.
"What car?" Dad asked
"Um white BMW"
We got into the car and i put darnell's address into the tom tom.
"So did he break up with Lisa?"
"He was never dealing Lisa. She just thought that. He told her whatever she thought they had is done"
My dad chuckled "goood"
He pulled up into darnell's driveway. I pinged him to say i was here and he opened the front door. My dad looked at him in the mirror.
"Be good princess" he said kissing my cheek.
"I will dad"
"When shall i pick yu up"
"I'll call you?"
I got out the car and he drove off. I walked up to the door where Darnell was waiting. He was wearing a superdry tracksuit. He smiled at me.
"You look beautiful Justine"
I smiled and looked down
"You look peng ngl" i said
He smiled and pulled me into his house.
We went to his room. It was tidy, didnt expect that.
"Why did you invite me over?" I asked him.
"I wanted to see somthing"
He pulled me close to his body and our lips locked. He opened his mouth making me open mine and put his tongue in which came as a surprise. He held me tighter around my waist and my arms were around his neck, then on his shoulders. We pulled away at the same time.
"Wanted to see how that felt"
"It felt like something i can live with for a long time" he winked at me
I smiled and hugged him tight. I knew there was a reason why i fell in love with him all those months ago.

--------------------------------------------Going to make Jayden and Samantha's birthday in the summer x

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